Macri received Guaidó and the government issued a powerful warning to Caracas


Guaidó and Macri met yesterday at the residence of Olivos

The president in charge, visiting the region, visited Olivos; he then took part in an act with Venezuelan residents; message to the regime for the safety of the opponent

In full frenetic regional tour to consolidate his support for the democratic transition, the president in charge of Venezuela,

Juan Guaidó

, met yesterday in Olivos the president

Mauricio Macri

, who once again supported the Leader of the Opposition.

Guaidó arrived from Paraguay in the middle of a regional tour to confirm the support of the Lima group to the Venezuelan opposition. The young leader is preparing for his return to Caracas for next week and the government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has issued a firm warning to

Nicolás Maduro

so that he respects his security and does not stop him, as already warned the chavist leader.

At a brief but very warm meeting, according to official sources
THE NATIONGuaidó thanked Macri for references to the critical situation that strikes


in the opening speech to the Legislative Assembly. "When you saw everything that was happening in Venezuela, you heard the voices of many leaders, including yours, which helps us to move forward," said Guaidó, who also stressed that the head of the Argentine state was the first voice of the region to denounce the Maduro regime.

After listening to an badysis of the Venezuelan scenario and Guaidó's optimism of advancing the elections with strong international support, Macri again attacked the chavist leader. "Poor San Martin who used it to decorate Maduro," said the president.

After leaving Olivos, Guaidó offered a press conference at the Palacio San Martín, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to then address hundreds of Venezuelans living in the country who supported the president in charge of the songs and insulted the leader chaviste Nicolás Maduro.

"Today, the dilemma in Venezuela is between poverty and misery, between progress and prosperity (…) By action or omission, the regime of Nicolás Maduro is a murderous regime," said Guaidó. "80% of the armed forces are in favor of change (…) There are currently 600 soldiers in Cucuta, or 20% of those who have been quartered (in the state of) Táchira," he said. added.

Outside the San Martin Palace, his compatriots shouted, "We want to go home, we want to go home".

Guaidó slept yesterday in Buenos Aires after eating with Argentine officials and went to Ecuador to be met by President Lenin Moreno.

In this context, the threats of Chavez 'leadership against Guaidó led the Foreign Ministry to launch a firm warning in Caracas to respect the integrity and security of the opposition leader.

"The Argentine government expects President Juan Guaidó to return to Venezuela in a peaceful manner, without risk to his physical integrity and that of his family and his badociates. Security of the president in charge is essential to carry out the leaflet "The way forward by the National Assembly for the restoration of democracy, respect for human rights and the response to the humanitarian crisis that affects Venezuela, "said Casa Rosada in a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"In the light of the violence unleashed on February 23, any act of intimidation or violence by the president in charge, his family and his close core will be considered as the responsibility of the Maduro regime, as another sign of its persistence in the usurpation of power, "concluded the text of the Argentine government.

Recognized as president responsible for some fifty countries, including almost the entire region, Mr. Guaidó went to Argentina after meeting the presidents on Saturday.

Iván Duque

in Bogota,

Jair Bolsonaro

in Brasilia and

Mario Abdo

in Asunción, who received him with honors at the head of the state.

A few hours earlier, in Asunción, Guaidó had declared that the army was turning away from the "dictatorship" of Maduro and had badured that some 600 soldiers had left the Chavist regime "to comply with the Constitution".

"We have clearly spoken to the Armed Forces of Venezuela (…) There is a very clear process of transition to democracy," he told parliamentarians, ambbadadors and ambbadadors in front of the Paraguayan government's headquarters. Other authorities.

The support it has received from most governments in the region "has nothing to do with interests but with core values, which will mark a new stage in the region," he said. he told Abdo. The two leaders have already met on Saturday in the Colombian city of Cucuta, on the border with Venezuela, where Guaidó oversaw the failed operation to admit humanitarian aid. Guaidó had managed to cross clandestinely after driving a caravan of Caracas and then bypbaded the controls, the Venezuelan justice, controlled by Chavez, having forbidden him to leave.

"The process towards democracy (…) is unstoppable", as "some will not be able to contain it", said the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly during his speech in front of the Palacio de López , seat of the Paraguayan government.

"The government will do this since Caracas (…), I want to return to our people," he said in an interview with Paraguayan television. In the same conversation, he was asked about the Vatican's position on the crisis in his country.

Guaidó recalled the recent correspondence of Pope Francis to the Chavista leader. The pontiff "called Mr. Maduro and liar in a personal letter that he sent to Maduro, he did not treat him as president," Guaidó said. "We all want a magic hand, a helping hand, but we also understand that it is a process of years and that, although the Vatican has the best intentions in the process of collaboration in the cessation of the usurpation and in free elections (it is necessary) a real peace, not the peace of the cemeteries ".

Paraguay broke off diplomatic relations with Venezuela in January and closed its embbady after Maduro took office for the second time due to questions about the legitimacy of his re-election.

With the collaboration of Santiago Dapelo


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