Macri received support from the kings of Spain in their first joint activity – Telam


Macri welcomed them and told him that "this country is very fond of Spaniards".

The Spanish kings, Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz, were received shortly before 11 am by a military honor guard and the Fanfarria del Alto Peru upon their arrival on the esplanade of Casa Rosada.

Macri receives the kings of Spain

President Macri and First Lady Juliana Awada greeted the Spanish royal couple under the porch of the entrance to Bustos Hall. From there, they went to the White Room for the official photo and speeches.

Macri was the first to speak at the meeting in the clean room. He transmitted to the Spanish kings the affection of the Argentine society for Spain: "This country loves the Spaniards very much".

King Felipe expressed his "support" for "all reform programs in Argentina".

"We took this visit as a sign of affection but also a show of support for this moment of change," Macri added in his message to welcome the kings.

The Argentine president felt that the country had undertaken "the same transformations" that Spain had conducted "many years ago" and had indicated that after that, the Iberian Peninsula "was evolving towards a better quality of life".

The head of state also evoked the "extensive work program" that will be maintained with the kings of Spain, their businessmen and the Spanish community of Argentina.


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