Macri said CFK’s debt was paid with IMF loan – Informed, upon return


Macri said CFK’s debt was paid with IMF loan – Informed, upon return – Cadena 3 Argentina

Asked by an auditor, the former president assured that 90% of the credit that his government requested from the multilateral organization was to face the responsibility left by the Kirchner administration.

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The IMF loan replaced the debt we already had.
Cristina Kirchner increased the debt to between $ 70 billion and $ 80 billion.
Debt is the daughter of the budget deficit: it received a 4% surplus and left more than 5% deficit. In this case, you either incur debt or there is inflation.
We are lowering the deficit to 0.5%.
All of this debt came at a time when no one wanted to fund us.
90% of the IMF money went to the debt we had.
There is no country that has succeeded that has not put freedom, economic openness and technological progress at the forefront. And Kirchnerism does the opposite.

Interview with Sergio Suppo and Luis Fernández Echegaray.

He said his former Minister of Tourism is “a benchmark for what is to come” in the Mediterranean province. He stressed that the country needs a part of Republican Peronism, like the one led by Schiaretti.

He assured that he waited that “all those who suffer from comorbidities” are vaccinated. He said that at a convention in Miami, a speaker told him he received the dose at a drugstore two blocks away and that had made up his mind.

The former president was confident in Channel 3 on the future of Together for Change for the 2021 and 2023 elections. He did a management review. “We are going to win this election because people understood the lie,” he said.

Presentation of your book

The former president recalled the conductor and artistic director of Channel 3, who died on November 1, 2020, and revealed that he predicted he would become head of state.

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The president conducted a video conference with 12 leaders to analyze the health situation in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. This Thursday there will be a meeting with other leaders.

After a seven-hour session, the lower house sanctioned the law that postpones the dates of the STEP and general elections to September 12 and November 14, respectively.

Asked by an auditor, the former president assured that 90% of the credit, which his government requested from the multilateral organization, had to face the responsibility left by the Kirchner administration.

He said his former Minister of Tourism is “a benchmark for what is to come” in the Mediterranean province. He stressed that the country needs a part of Republican Peronism, like the one led by Schiaretti.

He assured that he waited that “all those who suffer from comorbidities” are vaccinated. He said at a convention in Miami a speaker told him the dose had been put in a pharmacy two blocks away and it was decided.

The former president was confident in Channel 3 on the future of Together for Change for the 2021 and 2023 elections. He did a management review. “We are going to win this election because people understood the lie,” he said.

The province has added, since the start of the pandemic, 3,653 deaths and 267,340 cases. The average occupancy of intensive care beds for this disease is 45.7%.

Second ola coronavirus

Sol Casella had no pre-existing illness, but died after 23 days of hospitalization. “At 4 am, the doctor called me crying and told me there was no explanation,” his mother said.

El Millonario receives the Independiente Santa Fe at the Monumental from 9:00 p.m. It transmits Cadena 3 and

This is Silvia Lospennato (PRO), who regretted that in a record day of deaths, “the government sought to pass the law to end the independence of prosecutors”.

The former president was confident in Channel 3 on the future of Together for Change for the 2021 and 2023 elections. He did a management review. “We are going to win the legislative elections because people understood the lie,” he said.

He assured that he waited that “all those who suffer from comorbidities” are vaccinated. He said that at a convention in Miami, a speaker told him the dose had been put in a drugstore two blocks away and it was decided.

After a seven-hour session, the lower house sanctioned the law that postpones the dates of the STEP and general elections to September 12 and November 14, respectively.

They beat Independiente Santa Fe 2-1 at home. Angileri and Álvarez, the goals of “Millo”. Osorio reduced for Colombians. Gallardo’s side have played without replacements due to a coronavirus outbreak.


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