Macri sent the Bolivian putschists automatic weapons, rifles, 70,000 riot cartridges and 8,000 ammunition


As Gustavo Sylvestre reveals by C5N, this investigation revealed that on November 11, 2019, the National Agency for Controlled Materials (ANMaC) authorized the gendarmerie to send to Bolivia semi-automatic pistols, repeating rifles, automatic rifles, machine guns and rifles.

They also sent Jeanine Áñez’s coup government more than 8,000 ammunition of different calibers, bulletproof vests, helmets and ballistic shields and night visors, in addition to the trip of ten members of this federal force.

In the meantime, the next day, the ANMaC authorized the gendarmerie to send to Bolivian territory 70,000 riot cartridges, 100 pepper sprays and 661 hand grenades; all aimed to suppress and assassinate opponents of the regime that emerged after the civil-military coup.

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