Macri signals investors before the start of the election campaign


Officials and government advisers held secret meetings in New York and Montevideo to bring calm to the results of the polls.

Attentive to the difficult electoral tournament that awaits them and encouraged to maintain the tranquility of the exchanges like the calendar of

the elections

, government officials from

Mauricio Macri

They have accelerated their meetings with the private sector and the financial world to calm investors and chase away the ghosts that fly over the polarization with Kirchnerism. Last month, various meetings were organized, opened and closed, with businessmen and financial agents to allow the catharsis of the private sector and transmit optimistic forecasts. While they ensure that the vote is set in the latest sprint of the campaign, the government also warns that the financial world is reacting very quickly before political signals. They were already living in April, when the markets showed their nervousness by an investigation in which the Kirchner, always with Cristina as possible candidate, led the intention to vote widely.

Sudden movements in the markets in the middle of the ballot box can be risky.

In recent weeks, the relative stability of the dollar and the slight rebound in the president's image – after the surprise effect of the Fernandez formula – have given optimism to Casa Rosada. But in the management of Mauricio Macri, the reaction that can have the big investors causes some discomfort if the Kirchnerism presents a good performance in the first part of the electoral calendar. They want to prevent markets from moving the faithful between the August PASS and the October general election. Also in the section that, ultimately, remains up to the ballot.

While LA NACION was able to rebuild last month, government officials held closed-door meetings with financial officers from New York and the Montevideo Free Zone to bring peace of mind. ;mind. They explain the predictions made by Pro campaign experts, who predict that Macri will repeat the 2015 election experience at polls. They are badured that the rejection of Kirchnerism and the "past" will prevail.

Marcos Peña and the Minister of Production, Dante Sica, held meetings with the private sector for months to present their economic and political landscape. The chief of the cabinet was to meet several times on Tuesdays and Thursdays with groups of ten businessmen and men of finance at Casa Rosada to listen to their concerns and try to bring their positions closer together.

Other more reserved meetings have been added to these public meetings. The oficialismo focused on the field the tandem of Mario Quintana and Esteban Bullrich, two men outside the firm, but endowed with a great knowledge of the economic and financial sector. The former chief of staff (who now works in the ruling party's campaign) and the senator from Cambiemos met several days ago with a dozen businessmen and women. Vistage Group Financial Officers who advised senior executives on economic decisions. "It was a dialogue about the panorama of the country.In these talks, there is a period of catharsis, but also a look on which we must not return," they said in Pro.

It is not excluded that in the coming days there will be more in camera meetings between Peña and Sica with the financial sector, apart from the Balcarce 50 radar.

"Private banks and financial agents who advise Argentineans are those who can make fixed payments in dollars, those who carry out transfers of obligations, those who can raise funds abroad … They must explain what our people tell us, polls, to calm their worries, "summed up a key Pro man at LA NACION.

"Marcos explains to the businessmen the panorama with perspective, because the situation does not define the actors of the private world who are serious and responsible know that the worst thing that can happen in the country is the return of Kirchner," said a minister in Los Angeles. NATION Another official who interviewed key players in the private sector this week said: "At the end of the meetings, they end up asking us how they can help."


Peña generally repeats to his more intimate entourage that "the best forecast of what will happen this year is 2015". The chief of staff's forecasts relate exclusively to the results of the elections. The context is very different because Cambiemos will have to face the elections as responsible for the economy. But the chief of staff is convinced that, although the race starts again, the face-to-face against Kirchner Macri can be renewed.

"We always badumed that we could go in second place in the first round and play ballot, but only in six months," said an aide to the chief of staff.

The electoral climate is changing. An investigation conducted by Pro between May 19 and May 21 (immediately following the announcement by Cristina Kirchner of the candidacy for the presidency of Alberto Fernández) allowed Kirchner's formula to prevail at the first round. Polls read this week within the ruling party, however, allowed Mauricio Macri to rebound. "We are doing very well!", Tuesday celebrated a manager of Casa Rosada, one of the days when Ecuadorian consultant Jaime Durán Barba went to government headquarters.

In Balcarce 50, the most optimistic officials hope that the OSP will function as a vast survey mobilizing the "useful vote" in favor of the August Generals. Others think that Cambiemos will have a more difficult transit.

We no longer hear, like a few months ago, those who predict a stroke in the first round. A prominent campaign man summarized the situation after his Friday meeting: "Those who say it's crazy, it does not make sense, we all know it's a championship to three games. "


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