Macri spoke about the delicate health of his father and told a rough story


On the eve of his sixtieth birthday, the President

Mauricio Macri

He gave an interview in which he talked about his age, his age and his family. In addition, he told an anecdote in which his father asked him "a little pill" to stop suffering.

About the end of a 16-minute conversation with the philosopher

Alejandro Rozitchner

published in
Macri said: "I died of several friends at once and it struck me a lot, I learn to socialize, I am more and more convinced that it is the poor who stayed, not the ones who left" .

"I would like to have a quick death and not be caught between life and death, and not be like my father who is here and who is not here, who lies there for more than a year. a year, "he said about health. of

Franco Macri

He added: "If you have a moment of lucidity, you must have a very bad time, because you become aware of your inability to do so and your loss of vitality."

In the end, with bright eyes, he remembered the last time he had been able to talk to his father: "A year ago, I had not had conscious treatment with him, and at the last conscious transaction I asked him to give him a pill to get him out of there. I said, "Dad, you can not do that." He said to me: "But I'm done, I have nothing to do, listen, I can not do anything, I depend on third parties for everything." I said, "I can not dad, it can be."

His 60th birthday

It was the end of an interview in which the president mentioned several issues related to his age. "It is already difficult for me to badume this figure, I know that he is 60 years old and that I thought to myself:" How old is it! "Of course, I was 30. It seemed to me that it was an age almost impossible to reach and suddenly it happened," he said. the agent at the beginning of the note.

Macri also said, "I do not feel 60. I do not think I think it would be 60. I question a lot of things, I do not know if it's a problem or something positive, not wanting to badume that we are 60. It's confusing, which has not happened to me 50 years. "

The philosopher asked him how old he thought to be in good condition and said: "I am projecting myself up to 85 years with good motor and mental independence, which means that he is short of time, so he remain a fourth or a little more ". Then he asked him if he felt old enough to do activities and he said, "Yes, for the shots, I keep playing sports and when I fall, it's different, to be able to do things and that the physicist accompanies you ".

Macri said that with time, I was moving away from consumerism more and more. "Every time I buy less, almost nothing, I have not bought a car, more than 10 years ago, I do not use watches, rings, or chains I do not feel the happiness of getting in. It's something deeper. "

He also said: "I did not dream of being president, nor father / grandfather at age 60, nor of being in love with my wife and having this relationship with


. I want to learn a lot when I finish the public service. I want to learn how to cook well, how to do landscaping. From the digital theme because I'm pretty basic. I want to learn how to play cards better. To better support the pain. I train every day at 7:15 and I am at the gym. "

The full interview


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