Macri suspended his European tour because of the Argentine crisis


The president has scheduled visits to Belgium and Spain from 25 April. "It's time to be in the country," they said from their environment.

Mauricio Macri decided Tuesday at the last minute to suspend the tour that would take him to France and Belgium, and he was going to start on April 26, because "it's time to be in the country," they informed. # 39; agency. Sources of the Telam Presidency.

Thus, the head of state will continue to apply in his country the application of economic measures with which the executive branch intends to mitigate the effects of inflation.

The president planned to visit Belgium from April 25 to 30, where he planned a meeting with King Philip and a meeting with Prime Minister Charles Michel.

In addition, Macri planned to visit the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels and meet with officials and ministers from this continental bloc.

In Paris, France, French President Emmanuel Macrón, president of the group of the most economically powerful nations, invited the president to the G-7 meeting. The G-7 conclave was a good opportunity for the Argentine government to speed up negotiations for the country's entry into the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).


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