Macri: "The agreement with the IMF is no dangerous, do not look guilty"


The government concludes the cycle with the provincial ministers to define the budget reduction Source: Archive – Credit: Marcelo Aguilar Lopez

Before going to South Africa to attend the Brics summit, the president

Mauricio Macri
again defended the agreement with the

Central to the economic recovery that provides next year

"The agreement with the IMF is zero dangerous, the dangerous thing is when the Argentines deceive us, we seek the shortcut and the culprit always out of us, "said the president in an interview on Apa radio in San Pedro.

In addition to upholding the agreement, the president made a new appeal to the opposition, especially the Peronist, indispensable for the approval of the 2019 budget containing the reduction of 1, 3% deficit agreed with the international credit agency. "I hope to see the responsibility of management, because we have to strengthen the country and not be exposed to external volatility," Macri added. In meetings with his work team, the president seems to have abandoned the idea of ​​approving next year 's budget even without the support of the opposition if the demands of the governors and the mayors are "excessive". He seeks, through the intermediary of his trusted leaders, a global agreement with Sergio Mbada and the rulers of "rational" Peronism.

Before unexpectedly calling the sampedrina radio station, Macri performed one of his usual "hand mano", this time at La Plata, and met his coordinated little table.

that the president made this new request to the opposition, the Minister of Finance, Nicolas Dujovne, and officials who meet the Minister of the Interior, Rogelio Frigerio, continued with meetings with ministers of the Economy of the provinces, with the deficit as the main source of concern Yesterday, Dujovne, his second Rodrigo Pena and the secretary of the provinces, Alejandro Caldarelli, received the representatives of the province of Formosa, whose governor, Gildo Insfrán has a long-term relationship with Casa Rosada, and Catamarca and San Luis (whose governor Alberto Rodríguez Saá appears in the Kirchner) will be today at the end of the consultation round, with the same interlocutors of the decision.

According to government sources, the provinces will now take the next step and make their own proposals to adjust their economies, in areas such as subsidies or public works.

The ultimate goal: that Mauricio Macri and the 24 governors appear in a joint photo in support of the 2019 budget and approve the search for fiscal balance, main objective that the government is considering today. In growing relations with the PJ

"More and more Argentineans believe that the growth opportunities we have are endless.State above, and it's the responsibility of any the direction, "said Macri on radio San Pedro

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