Macri: "The Language Congress is a recognition of the way to integration into the world" – Telam


Macri: "The language congress is a recognition of the way of integration into the world"

Mauricio Macri thanked Argentina for its second election as host country of the International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE) and called it "recognition of the path of integration to the world" initiated by his management. In addition, he stressed that "language is the best distributed wealth in our community" and that we must "use it to build".

"The language is our greatest badet, it is up to us to keep it alive," said the national leader during his speech to the Teatro Libertador General San Martín, in the Cordoba capital, where he said: is held this cultural and literary event which officially began Wednesday and will end next Saturday.

"Bet on language, it's a bet on the future.We must give our children the tools they need to grow in this world and in the world to come," Macri said. In this direction, he works, he said, pointing out that with the implementation of the national program Aprender, they "bring about profound changes" and structural "in education.

King Felipe VI preceded the Argentine President in his speech and recalled the Congress of Language that was held in Rosario 15 years ago. streets, a situation that has set a precedent for the country to be a new place.

The King of Spain showcases Argentina's cultural production

In addition, the monarch pointed out that these congresses which include sessions of discussions and studies "never wanted to bear the status of scientist", but "are open to the whole society, for its inclusive and inclusive spirit in which the breadth and generosity towards the areas of culture, education, technology and entrepreneurship envisioned with future prospects ", said that 480 million people had Spanish as a language.

The reception of visitors was entrusted to the governor Juan Schiaretti, who considered it an "honor" to welcome the kings of Spain to share the Cordoba of "immense diversity, enriched by cultural roots that bring us together in the same feeling and the same language ". "I am convinced that this event will increase the light that radiates from this Córdoba which illuminates with the federal force of the interior of the country all our Argentina," said Schiaretti.

The Spanish language, the second most spoken language, has united us to something as deep, as typical of the human being as the language we speak."

Mauricio Macri


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