Macri, to entrepreneurs: I see in India a partner for the future


Macri spoke to the Argentina-India Business Forum, at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Mumbai City, the most important port city of the sub-continent with about 40% of the country's foreign traffic, the second day and the last day of his official visit to India.

"We see India as a partner for the future, which is why this visit is accompanied by an important mission of small and medium enterprises representing 11 provinces of Argentina"said Macri.

The head of state told entrepreneurs in this country, including several owners of multinationals, "who are invited to invest in Argentina," and urged them to "be part of this path of integration and development. deep relationships between our countries. "

Macri, at this level, said that these bilateral meetings between entrepreneurs should be used to find ways to "supplement and badociate".

"And face to face," he said, "not only does supply to India and Argentina, but also to Asia and the United States. Whole America, which are very interesting markets for all our companies, "he said.

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Photo: NA

The President said that during these three years, Argentina "integrates with the world in an intelligent, pragmatic and flexible way."

Macri, in this sense, felt that "as never before in the history of our country, we have gained support and support from the international community".

In the same way, he stressed that this collaboration can occur "also in many other areas where the talent of many Argentines and Indians can be strengthened".

"The population, the demographic and economic growth of India and the ability of Argentina to produce food and energy project a great complementarity of our economies", a point.

At the same time, he stated that the hearing that he had yesterday with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi, "was very productive" and stressed that the fact of the fact that he was in charge of his work was "very productive". to have met five times in recent years "demonstrates not only the chemistry, but the affection that exists between our peoples and the same vision we share about the enormous common potential".

"We want to generate complementarity and badociativity among companies in order to improve technological developments and generate a positive synergy between the largest number of productive sectors," the head of state reaffirmed.

He also indicated that "We are fundamentally interested in sharing and cooperation between our countries in different fields," said, among others, knowledge-based services, conventional and renewable energies, tourism and extractive industries.

Macri pointed out that Argentina "has opened up to the world and believes that it shares the same challenges with India".

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Photo: NA

"It is very important – he pointed out – that we understand that if we take up together the main challenge we face as a society, namely to reduce poverty, the inequalities between those who have more and those who who have less, our ability to succeed will be much greater. "

"I am happy," he insisted, "from this visit, knowing that at every step, with every leader and with every leader I've spoken to, starting with the Prime Minister, we share this vision, that the world is a challenge but also an opportunity ".

In addition, the president stressed his conviction that "facing a world that poses many challenges, if we work together, the possibilities for the future will be enormous". "Therefore, I wish to invite you to participate in this way of integration and the establishment of deep links between our countries," he repeated.

Macri stressed on this point that three years ago, Argentina had entered a transformation phase by integrating with the world in an intelligent, pragmatic and flexible way.

"And as never before in the history of our country, we have received constant support from the international community, which really confirms that we are on the right track," he added.

"I like to find so many companies participating in this business forum and I think it's a great opportunity", so "in this way, we take full advantage of all the potential we share, "concluded Macri at a business forum in Mumbai.


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