Macri: Today, we are more focused on the future than in 2015


"I go around the country all the time, I have to be the president who has traveled in the interior of the country during his first three years of government, and I do it out of love for what we do and for you all, and for the conviction that being close and listening to them, I will solve the problems we have, "he told the interviewer at the beginning of the interview.

"There are angry people and a lot of people in distress because it's harder to make ends meet, because we ran into a reality, as I understand it, the ## 148 ## Argentina has been living for many years beyond their means ", said the president in dialogue with FM Radio Pasión 96.5from the puntana locality of good hope.

Today, our future is better than in 2015 "(Mauricio Macri)

"Some governments spent more than they had spent, and we suddenly realized that the world no longer had the merit of supporting it, and we suffered a significant devaluation accompanied by higher inflation struck, but we finally understood " He discussed in the short interview on the radio.

"In light of the difficulties we faced, we realized that we can not live with the loan, nor spend more than we have, we could not spend more than those generated each month to be more calm and Saving a little, stewards, governors and the president have to spend less than we give them, which costs us a lot to pay, "he added.

"This path has already been followed by many countries, along with our neighbors, such as Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Peru, who live on realistic, narrow budgets without wasting money. , without stealing, "he said. "If you spend more than you already have, it facilitates the disorder, which increases the risk of corruption, as shown by the complaints examined by the previous government"he finished.

"It's a path that has struck us, which is not easy, and I understand those who are angry or anxious, but believe me, this is the only way: tell us the truth, talk, work in a team. We are in the minority in the government and we dialogue with the opposition, Peronism, in order to carry out the fundamental reforms expected by those who voted for a change. And despite the blows, I would say that we are in a better position to face the future than in 2015"in a stronger position," he said, highlighting international relations, institutionalization, the fight against drug trafficking, Internet connectivity and the "revolution" of aircraft.

In the midst of complaints from the lower sectors for lack of employment and social badistance, average sectors for rates, businessmen for raising taxes and meager incentives to local production, the executive director of the agent was excited about the future income of the dollars generated by agricultural products. "The field will have a record crop that will generate more" economic "activityhe maintained.

Anger and anguish

At the same time that he was offering the telephone report, social organizations mobilized from the Department of Health and Social Developmentas well as steps in different parts of the interior, request an update of the amounts received by recipients of employment programs and the Universal Child Benefit (UFA).

Barrios de Pie, the Clasista and the Combativa Current (CCC), the Confederation of Popular Economy Workers (CTEP), the Popular Front Darío Santillán and the Front of the Fighting Organizations (FOL) have implemented the measure under the slogan "Land, roof and works." The mobilization has the support of sectors of trade unionism such as the federal stream, the national ATE, the autonomous CTA, among others.

In addition, in recent hours, the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) has estimated that the activity of the it decreased by 3.5% in 2018. At the first meeting of the year, which brings together the big picture of the UIA with representatives from all over the country, in addition to reviewing the statistical data of 2018, the concern of the different regions and production sectors was expressed by the decline in the level of activity.

José Urtubey, Executive Committee of the manufacturing entity, warned that the government's economic model "does not serve us industrialists or anyone else" and stated that the outlook for 2019 is that the industry will fall again, 2.5%. "Half of the industry is paralyzed, which sums up the crisis the sector is going through.It was obvious that we were going to end up like this and there was no change in the direction taken by the national government"pointed out the company manager. In addition, he recalled that in the past three years, 107,000 jobs have been lost in this sector.

In this context, The government has called on entrepreneurs and industry entities to announce the launch of stimulus packages for regional economies on Thursday morning. The meeting will be held at 9:00 in the Casa Rosada Clean Room and will be led by Macri and the Minister of Production, Dante Sica. According to what has been revealed, the purpose of the measures badyzed will be to facilitate sales abroad of regional products. It is not excluded in this sense that the withholding tax regime is modified.


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