Macri: "Today we are poorer than before the STEP"


2019 12 days. күні жарияланды

Macri, after the defeat: "We had a very bad day today. Today, we are poorer before STEP. It's a very strong impact. The dollar has risen again. I have instructed the economic team to prepare all the measures to take care of the Argentineans, by taking charge of our task of governing and taking charge so that this electoral process does not punish the people of the country. Argentines. If there were a lot of them angrily, according to what has happened today in the markets, things are not going to get better. The biggest problem is that Kirchner's alternative to government has no credibility in the world, it does not have the confidence to make people want to invest. If Friday the dollar went down, the funding increased, and this election result unfavorable to the government and favorable to Kirchnerism, everything turned, it shows that there is a serious problem between Kirchnerism and the world. It's not easy: they have to show that they're going to do something different from what they've done before.
Pichetto: "The president has control and takes full responsibility for all economic events. This did not end: it was a crucial choice. The real debate on the content and direction of Argentina is starting to develop, ahead of the October 27 elections. It is difficult, but we will engage with all the courage and conviction necessary to reverse this result. The message to the Argentines is that we have heard them. "
Macri: "I invited all the candidates to invite them to a constructive electoral process, I pledge to guarantee all the institutions and the coexistence that correspond to them." And those who have more visibility, Alberto Fernández and Kirchnerism, have more responsibility to rebadure the local and global economic community not to generate more damage in the economy, which has cost us to maintain these years. "
Macri: "Kirchnerism has already reigned The world already knows what it has done: Kirchnerism must go the extra mile to convince them that they will do something different." Many Argentinian voters think that They can improve their lives.I do not believe.They do not exist.the bonanzas and the things that they used to generate, as good populist government, a good gift to the price of a mortgaged future, what we inherited. ""


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