Macri: We are going to have months of high volatility due to political uncertainty


This was revealed by the Minister of Transport, Guillermo Dietrich, who in the dialogue with CNN radio counted part of the dialogue that the ministers had with the president. In line with what Macri himself said during the week, the manager insisted that markets feared a return of Cristina de Kirchner in power and that worries investors.

We are going to have months of high volatility due to political uncertainty. Mauricio Macri

"It would be a disaster for Argentina, we have everything to solve the structural problems, and we would return to this authoritarian, extremely corrupt country, which does not respect the rules of the game, which does not respect the other, and In which anything can happen, we recognize that problems cause anxiety and anxiety for people, but it is the right way, "he said.

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Mauricio Macri led a Cabinet meeting in Quinta de Olivos.

Mauricio Macri led a Cabinet meeting in Quinta de Olivos.

Presidency of the nation

At the meeting of the firm held yesterday at the Quinta de Olivos, Macri badyzed with his team the political and economic situation. The only minister who was not present at the conclave was the Minister of Finance, Nicolás Dujovne, who was in Brazil where he met his partner Pablo Guedes.

The meeting of ministers came after several days of financial volatility marked by the rise of the dollar and the rise in country risk of more than a thousand basis points this Thursday. In this context, Argentine newspapers have collapsed on the international scene because of the electoral uncertainty that Argentina is experiencing.

In this context, the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrichrequest "Tranquility and calm" in front of the "nervousness" of the last days and said that "99.9% of people do not buy bonds and do not know the Wall Street markets."

Bullrich badured that the government would continue with "the fundamental decision" to accompany the "Cambiemos leader", President Macri, towards "this position of calm and tranquility". The truth is that the conclave of ministers of the presidential residence was not the only event on Macri's agenda.


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