Macri: We do not accept that those who have destroyed the country are telling us now, with their fingers up, that they are the ones who know


"We have to return the elections. We all know that Sunday 27 is the real choice and not just any choice. You will define our future for many years. That is why we must turn this energy into action to convince those who still doubt, "said the president accompanied by his candidate for vice-presidency. Michelangelo Pichetto and his wife Juliana Awada

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In addition, he harangued supporters of the government so that they "do not" remain "silent" against those who "steal the future" and asked "not to fall into mirages, into the same empty promises of those who have so often let it go.

"We will not be silent to see how the future is stolen, we have already lived many times, with the fingers, with the lectern, with the canchereada, with arrogance, with this way of conceiving the power that many Argentines reject. Enough of that! "launches Macri.

In a speech directed directly against the Front de Tous directed by Alberto Fernández, winner of the primaries of August, the president added: "Let's not fall into the mirages, in the same empty promises of those who have left us so often fall".

"We do not accept that those who have destroyed the country are telling us now, with their fingers up, that they are the ones who know."said the president, referring to the posturing with the index he had accused Fernandez during the debate of 13 October.

The President also highlighted his view of politics during his career in the public service. "We must also recognize that we are a majority that has often looked at politics from afar, thinking that it would never change, leaving everything in the hands of the few who took control of the state and the public. but fortunately we woke up. It's rebellion, but the rebellion of people of peace who do not want to wear us again and again. "

If you can march

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"Getting here has been much more difficult than expected, but solving problems takes time and you know it. But we were not wrong in believing that change was possible and seeing the potential we had as a society.

We showed that we could produce energy at Vaca Muerta, that we could do work without corruption, that we could have social policies without clientelism taking away the state where it had not arrived. Added Macri.

"This effort was worth it, but today we have solid foundations, there are stages of growth, more work and better wages for the Argentineans than they have put everywhere", a- he declared insisting: "This is the strength of Argentina, which is why we are going to reverse the results of this election and the history of Argentina forever."

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Even though the official closing of the campaign will take place next Thursday in Córdoba, the mobilization concentrated around the obelisk of Buenos Aires has constituted a kind of quick fence thanks to which the government is trying to show its ability to reverse the overwhelming defeat that he suffered during the primary. August

The call was launched by the Head of State from his social networks and is the most massive of the "Yes, you can" that the official front is leading throughout the country.

The "Million March" was replicated at the same time in 30 other cities in the country and even abroad, with demonstrations taking place in Madrid, Paris and other cities in Germany, Switzerland and the United States.

The series of marches of "Yes, you can" will continue next week in San Salvador de Jujuy (Monday); Rosario (Tuesday); Mar del Plata (Wednesday) and Córdoba (Thursday), which will close the campaign before the beginning of the electoral ban.


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