Macri: We will continue to make the necessary decisions to bring you peace of mind


In the text, the president acknowledged that the Argentines "lived in a climate of uncertainty several weeks ago" and said in this context that "nothing is more important than to break families' pockets. Argentina and to remedy the instability of the economy. "" I'm here for that. My responsibility is to take care of and solve emergencies, "he added.

We live in a climate of uncertainty several weeks ago "(Mauricio Macri)

Macri enumerated the measures taken by his government to mitigate the economic situation in the post-STEP scenario, among which he highlighted: the removal of VAT from various foods from the basic basket, a plan for the regularization of debts with the AFIP for SMEs and the lengthening of debt conditions.

In the same vein, the President said that in economic matters he would continue "to make the necessary decisions to bring them peace of mind". "And at the same time, we will continue to govern as always, focusing on creating work for more Argentines, as we have done from day one. We will continue to govern as always, focusing on creating work for more Argentines, as we have done from day one.He remarked.

"It is, in my opinion, the role of a president: to create the necessary conditions so that the work multiplies in each region of Argentina. Because the fruit of this work is real progress, it's not a patch or a shortcut, "said Macri in his opinion column.

We will continue to govern as always, focusing on creating work for more Argentines, as we have done since the first day "(Mauricio Macri)

"Let us trust. If we experience so many difficulties throughout our history, if we take so many steps forward when nobody thought we could do it, it means we can, we are capable. That Argentina is possible, "concludes the text.


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