Macri who always wanted to be


This is a video edited by Real Madrid. The day of their birthday, they arrive by each of the partners to each of the partners with a personalized greeting from the main references of the team. Marketing Things 4.0. The task is not difficult to do: players are invited to watch the camera and record the most frequent names one by one, and this part is added to a general message. Government communicators were admired by the strategy. And they came to badyze it as a method of reaching potential voters in a particular way, but they eventually rejected it because of a risk: it could be considered "invasive".



is in campaign mode. That, thanks to the technological facilities, it will be much cheaper than in the previous elections. That's what Marcos Peña anticipates in the private life of the government. And to the relief of the fundraisers who, after the cause of the notebooks, began to face the indifference of the companies. "I have no more black," he told the newspaper, the owner of a group that has just been approached. It is not just a question of judicial redress or the fear of seeing a list leaked: the most important businessmen took part in the latest money laundering and run out of cash from other campaigns. Despite the exaggerated attempts and reactions of the new law, the political clbad continues to fund itself as always.

The government has a proselyte sophistication that is missing from the PJ. "We continue to campaign as before, they are more professional," they lamented Wednesday in a guild. What seems common to both forces is the reconfiguration of the spectrum of loyalties and rejections: Pichetto and Mbada have widened the borders of one side and the other. Senator begins to occupy


the role that he had

Emilio Monzó

. "It's the first time that Emilio has reason to get angry with me," they heard her say to Maria Eugenia Vidal after the lists closed. In the macrismo, they boast of this opening to which they attribute an improvement of the expectations. Two weeks ago, the gap with Alberto Fernández and

Cristina Kirchner

The intention to vote has begun to shrink in the province of Buenos Aires, although it is unclear whether it will be sufficient for the governor to beat Kicillof, because in this district, he is not going to kill himself. There is no ballot. The latest figures indicate that Kirchnerism would triumph today from 38 to 34, less than a month ago. In the first section of the conurbano, where he does more footing, the president is already heading from one point; in the third, the most difficult, the difference is still enormous, but better than at the beginning of the year: 40 to 28 against. The day before yesterday, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, at the plenary session of the Cabinet at the CCK, had admitted that he had finally doubted the possibilities of the government, but that he had finally convinced himself. "We are face to face and we have the best campaign team," said the Mayor of Buenos Aires, according to one of the participants at LA NACION.

This was the first of these meetings for Miguel Ángel Pichetto. "Happy to be here, I want to recognize the courage, the decision of the president of the nation, Mauricio Macri, to trust, to call me, to believe in me, to think of Argentina perhaps by coincidence, "he thanked. His incorporation into the formula gave Pro Hope amidst the recession. And it worked at the same time as a shock of confidence in a financial market that did not believe so much in the doctrinal and economic problems: the badets are abandoned and pay a high interest. A bond issued by Neuquén with jurisdiction in New York, for example, has a yield close to 20% per annum in dollars. The turning had happened a few days before, when the race was stopped. When, through the intercession of Trump, the IMF allowed the Argentine Central Bank to intervene with more flexibility in the foreign exchange market. This new prerogative, which also began with a strong dollar without delay, gave the government the respite it needed.

Pichetto added certainty. Less in the present, because it gives no voice, that in the future: if it wins, Macri will not seem so prevented from making reforms that would allow Argentina to become a viable country again. avoid a fault. The arrival of the senator also strengthened the official discourse. "He has great virtue: he says in public the same thing as in private," Macri told CCK, according to journalist Silvia Mercado.
Infobae. A faculty that his advisors had not advised Macri in 2015, when they imagined him as a center-left leader. But the bullfight of last year swept away these northern dreams: the real Macri shows ideological coincidences with Paulo Guedes, a Brazilian economics minister trained at the Chicago School, and even a personal affinity with Jair Bolsonaro, his great ally, to obtain the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur, which have provoked criticism among defenders of industrial protection. "There is not a single macrista like him," they were surprised in the vicinity of Macri, where they remember the phrase that the Brazilian told his couple in Buenos Aires a few weeks ago , at a lunch in which he did not talk too much: "The important thing is that Cristina Kirchner loses".

Bolsonaro is just as convinced as the Trump of Macri project. He again showed it last week at the G-20 meeting, when the Republican leader asked what he could do for Brazil and he replied that nothing would tell him that he was going to do anything. it would be better to help Argentina so that his country lives in a quiet area. He had already said something similar in May to George W. Bush. "We talked to him about the situation in Venezuela, but the most important thing is to avoid another – this goal against Argentina would come back to Kirchner," he said in Texas. Brazilian journalists.

Now, it's more of a coincidence that, a few months ago, while in Pro was still talking about the purity of the project, Durán Barba lent his support to the campaign that led to the triumph of the Brazilian leader, prodigy in WhatsApp and even
false news. Critics will want to see in the new affinities a tribute to Steve Bannon, American propagandist who worked on the Trump campaign and who had previously sought advice from Bolsonaro, but it is likely that everything will be merged to make something more basic: Macri no is ideologically so far removed from the thinking of those administrations with which he now aspires to work in a free trade agreement with the United States and of which he differs perhaps only by a discursive aesthetic. It is understandable that he celebrates the incorporation of Pichetto and its authenticity: now, he is more like himself.


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