Macri will hand over the presidency of Mercosur to Bolsonaro, who has asked for re-election in Argentina | Chronic


The 54th Mercosur Heads of State Summit, to be held tomorrow in Santa Fe, will seek to consolidate a political turning point and a coincidence between its main partners, which could well be symbolized by the transfer of the presidency pro tempore of the block. Mauricio Macri his Brazilian partner Jair Bolsonaro, who in turn demanded the reelection of the Argentine president.

With a strong economic footprint, possible announcements regarding the progress of the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement signed with the European Union (EU) and the possibility of confronting one with the United States of the same type, Brazil and Argentina will seek to also provide political support for these efforts; This will be the first meeting of its kind since the announcement of the Mercosur-EU agreement.

In this sense, the statements of Bolsonaro published this Sunday in a morning newspaper, in a new support for the re-election of Macri, were eloquent to prevent "Argentina follows the line of Venezuela"that both seek to deepen the turn of the country and the bloc, and that they have also turned to Europe and the United States as ideal partners for building relationships.

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"The candidate Cristina Kirchner He indicated that he would review the Mercosur-European Union agreement. And that poses economic problems in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. We are focused on the economy. A government with a weak economy is not maintained ", badyzed the president of the neighboring country.

In addition to these declarations, which confirm a known position and badociate in this direction in Paraguay and Uruguay, the two most representative countries of the bloc will try, at the Santa Fe summit, to give more weight to the direction taken. by economic policy since taking the seat of the respective state.

It's a generation of presidents who believe in the opposite of the previous one, whereas with leaders like the Brazilian Lula da Silva and the deceased Néstor Kirchner The idea of ​​a Free Trade Area of ​​the Americas (FTAA) was buried.

The 54th. The Mercosur Heads of State Summit will be held next Wednesday at the Belgrano Station Convention Center in Santa Fe, with the help of Presidents Macri, Bolsonaro, Tabaré Vázquez (Uruguay) and Mario Abdo Benítez (Paraguay)

Also present to the presidents of Chile, Sebastian Piñera, and Bolivia, Evo Morales, because they are countries badociated with Mercosur.

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According to the program distributed by the organization, meetings of technical teams from Mercosur member countries and badociated countries, represented by their national coordinators, will take place on Monday.

Among other officials, the presence of the Secretary for International Economic Relations of the Argentine Foreign Ministry will be highlighted, Horacio Reyser, one of the leaders of the successful negotiations between Mercosur and the European Union on the agreement reached a few days ago.

Meanwhile, begin to arrive on Tuesday the highest authorities of the delegations and the 54th will be held. Ordinary meeting of the Common Market Council, the highest decision-making body of the bloc, composed of foreign ministers and ministers of the economy of the member countries.

The presidents of the central banks of the Mercosur countries will also be present.


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