Macri will receive Queen Margaret II of Denmark at Casa Rosada – Telam


President Mauricio Macri will receive tomorrow at 12.30 pm, at Casa Rosada, Queen Margaret II of Denmark, who is making a state visit to the country, alongside his son, Crown Prince Federico.

The Danish monarch will arrive on the esplanade of the seat of the government, on Rivadavia Avenue, escorted by a formation of the regiment of mounted grenadiers, after having laid a wreath in front of the monument to the liberating general. José de San Martin Place namesake in the district of Retiro.

According to the details of the presidency, Macri will welcome the queen in the clean room, who will make the official photo of the meeting.

Then the head of state will meet in his office the queen and crown prince.

The first lady, Juliana Awada, will also participate in the meeting. Chancellor Jorge Faurie; the Secretary for Strategic Affairs, Fulvio Pompeo; Danish Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen; and the ambbadador of this nation in Argentina, Soren Vohtz.


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