Macri's football joke in Bolsonaro: "Let's not talk about VAR"


President Mauricio Macri briefly left the protocol and concluded his speech at the Mercosur summit with a football joke when he gave the floor to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

The comment, related to the controversial arbitration of the last Copa America during the elimination of the Argentine national team, was referring to the non-use of the VAR during this match.

"Now it is Bolsonaro's turn, my dear friend, not to talk about VAR … we will not talk about it," Macri said with a smile.

The reference, of course, concerned the role that the referees attributed to the technological system during the Copa América, especially during the match between the team of Lionel Scaloni and Brazil, injuring Argentina.

Given the silence of the presidents of the region and the rest of the people present, the joke did not generate much grace.

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