Macri's labor reform project at the IMF


The end of the validity of collective agreements, the negotiation by enterprise and not by activity, the possibilities of subcontracting and subcontracting, as well as the limitation of the contributions to the unions appear, among others, in the projects of labor reform. . President Mauricio Macri has promised the International Monetary Fund to be re-elected in the 2019 elections.

According to a document to which the journalist Ámbito Financiero and C5N Mariano Martín had access, the project also envisages the creation of new personalities such as the "platform worker" and proposes flexible mechanisms of dismissal and internship. The document is being prepared by the Department of Production and Labor under the title "2020-2023 Production Plan, Labor Relations and Quality Jobs". They bet on money laundering, facilitate informal employers and discourage judgments.

The document discusses "essential measures" for 2019, immediate adoption in the event of re-election of Macri and others for the period 2020-2023. Among the first, the urgency of reducing or even eliminating the fines for informal work envisaged in the money laundering project, the limitation of corporate lawsuits in the matter of solidarity with their subcontracting, the contract regulation for applications and staff promoting the first job in an "art agency".

Between 2020 and 2023, the end of ultraactivity is tested, the mechanism by which collective labor agreements remain in force indefinitely until they are replaced by new ones (a good part of the structure goes back to 1975) and solidarity contributions that unions receive beyond the quota of their affiliates. It also postulates the need to reduce collective bargaining at the level of companies that currently manage only by activity. Several of these points are included in the reform approved by Brazil in 2017.

He also mentions as elements to rephrase the presence of delegates in the companies and the union, in what is supposed to be designed to give employers the opportunity to define the guild that should represent their staff. A line similar to that implemented by Mercado Libre with the loading and unloading union in a logistics center.

With regard to new working arrangements, he proposed to create the figures for "economically linked self-sufficiency" to be applied in small production units where labor relations were more horizontal than usual dependency, and that of the "worker". Autonomous Platform 'for the purported purpose of formalizing employees who would otherwise be in an irregular situation without social work, ART or social security contributions.

In the chapter "Subcontracting (Solidarity)", the paper develops the thesis that "the regulations in force discourage the outsourcing of services" and even attribute a greater weight to the judgments made by non-direct workers of the company. 39; employer. "Limiting solidarity promotes specialization in higher value-added tasks and allows for greater adaptability to the changing demands," he adds, and mentions the cases of Chile, the United States, and the United States. Spain and Brazil, where the main responsibility of the main employer is limited.

It also dedicates the return of non-dependent courses and its extension up to one year as well as other forms already proposed previously as "termination fund of work" instead of the usual remuneration, the "polyvalence" which allows "the parties can agree changes of tasks and working conditions", the creation of "banks of hours" and a redefinition of the concept of "salary" to limit the positions with a weighting in the calculation of remuneration. As it raises a reformulation of sick leave or for other reasons of a "personal day plan" and the limitation of the days not worked "for long-term illness".

It also proposes the creation of "shared parental leaves" and early childhood centers, an extended school day and part-time contracts. For microenterprises with fewer than ten employees, it proposes a specific regime that may include "a bank of hours, fragmented holidays", the possibility of maintaining the collection of social plans, a reduction of the advance payment, an extension of the period of testing, validity of agreements by company and simplified registration, among others.


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