Macri's phrase that surprised during a conversation with Vargas Llosa


Macri's sentence that surprised during a conversation with Vargas Llosa | MDZ online

Macri with Vargas Llosa and Gerardo Bongiovanni.

President Mauricio Macri is attending tonight's annual dinner at the Freedom Foundation of Rosario in Buenos Aires. During a conversation with Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa, certain political and economic concepts were received with surprise.

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Bae Business Journalist Graciela Moreno posted on your Twitter account excerpts from the interview between the writer and the politician. Macri initially acknowledged that gradualism was playing against his government.

For this reason, in another section, he stated that if he won the elections, he would not change the direction of his policy, other than that he would "go in the same direction as us, but much more quickly. "

Vargas Llosa asks Macri if he plans to change his policy in case of reelection. "Same way but faster". There was no more applause there.

– Nicolás Lucca (@NicolasLucca) March 27, 2019

The sentence caused some surprise, but there was also applause in the room, which is full.


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