Macron answered Bolsonaro for his wife's teasing


The President of France, Emmanuel Macron, he regretted on Monday the "extraordinarily disrespectful" comments of his Brazilian counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro, about his wife, and said that he expected Brazilians to quickly have a president who "behaves as he should."

Bolsonaro made "extremely disrespectful comments about my wife," Macron said at a press conference at the G7 summit in Biarritz. "What can I tell them? It's sad, it's sad, but it's sad for him and the Brazilians at first."he says

"As I have a great friendship and respect for the Brazilian people, I hope you will quickly have a president up to it " the French president added.

The French president reacted to an offensive comment on Facebook about the first French lady, Brigitte Macron, published by a supporter of Bolsonaro, which was approved by the latter.

The same mocked the physicist Brigitte Macron – which appeared on a photo disadvantage – and compared it to the first Brazilian woman, Michele Bolsonaro, radiant on the day of the investiture of her husband.


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"Do you now understand why Macron attacks Bolsonaro?", Reads next to the photos of the two presidential couples. Bolsonaro replied, "Do not humiliate the man," referring to Macron.


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