Macron describes Bolsonaro's comments about his wife: "extremely disrespectful"


French Prime Minister Emmanuel Macron on Monday described the remarks of his Brazilian counterpart, Jair Bolsonaro, about his "extremely disrespectful" wife. "What can I say? It's sad," said the French president, who also hoped that "Brazilians will soon have a president at the height," he said at a news conference. press conference held at the G7 summit.

"It's sad, but sad for him and the Brazilians," Macron repeated, adding that he notably thought that "Brazilian women were probably ashamed" of their leader's remarks.

Bolsonaro's commentary

Macron is thus referred to the last observation of the Brazilian government president. Bolsonaro used his official Facebook account to jokingly react to an offensive comment about Brigitte Macron, the wife of the French president.

A user responded to a publication by the Brazilian president on the Amazon, enclosing a montage in which we could see a picture of Brigitte Macron next to the wife of Bolsonaro and in which one could read: "Now understand why Macron continues in Bolsonaro ", and accompanied him with the comment:" Macron can be envious of the President of Brazil. "

Bolsonaro replied: "Do not humiliate the guy," familiarly contributing to the mockery that focuses on the physical of the French president's wife.

Brigitte Macron is 24 years older than her husband. The first French woman, now 66, met her husband in 1992 while she was teaching at the center where she studied at a young Emmanuel Macron, 15 years old. The age difference between the two spouses was the subject of mockery on different occasions, generating embarrbading badist comments.

Shared antipathy

This new episode is not the first that both politicians play in the context of a relationship characterized by disagreements.

On this occasion, the escalation of tension has intensified under the pressure exercised in recent days by France on the Brazilian executive so that it takes measures to put an end to the fires that devastate part of the Amazon for more than two weeks.

In addition, just a month ago, at the end of July, Bolsonaro publicly scorned French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian by canceling a meeting with him who was to argue "reasons for the agenda ". On the same day, the Brazilian president posted a live video on his Facebook account, in which he cut his hair at the same time as the meeting was scheduled.



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