Macron, Di Maio and yellow vests | The encounter …


From Paris

The battle for the ideological hegemony of Europe was an unexpected victim: relations between France and Italy. Eight months of struggles between Paris and Rome in the manner of Donald Trump led to an unprecedented crisis as intense as between the two capitals. France on Thursday called its ambbadador in response to Italy's steady recovery since the coalition between the La Fascists and the 5-star post-ideological movement formed a coalition government. The crisis is unprecedented between two capitals of two countries that were the zócalo founder of the European construction. The French Chancery has lamented "repeated accusations", "scandalous statements", "interference" and "disrespect" by Rome. The gesture that has filled the patience of President Emmanuel Macron was the meeting held in France last Tuesday between the vice-president of the Italian Council and head of the 5-star movement, Luigi Di Maio, and a group of representatives of yellow vests. After this exchange, Di Maio himself disseminated the information of the interview with the jackets on social networks, where he wrote twice: "the wind of change has crossed the Alps".

Paris considered that this, added to the other declarations of the Italian leaders, "constituted an additional provocation and unacceptable.They violate the respect which corresponds to the democratic elections made by a friendly and allied people.They violate the respect due to democratic governments and elected freely "(Agnes von der Mühll, spokesperson for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Italian leaders have copied the worst of their vulgar American model with the aim of weakening pro-European liberalism. Between Di Maio and Matteo Salvini, head of the far-right government and Italian heavyweights, both men weave a lush rhetoric of aggression against the French presidency. Salvini, for example, expressed hope that the French would be released as soon as possible from a "lousy president". Behind this quarrel lies a much broader battle for political hegemony within the European Union ahead of the European Parliament elections on 26 May. Salvini and his trumpet allies who have traveled to the Old Continent, including former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, are counting on modeling a European far-right front against liberal outcasts, pro-European and globalizing, an axis where Emmanuel Macron appears as the paladin. The same thing developed over time the idea that the European consultation was a kind of staging of the French presidential election, that is, pro-Europeanism against populist nationalists. . Hence the French protest that was to clarify that "one thing is to have disagreements, another to exploit the relationship for electoral purposes".

In this context, while the European left looked at them with as much fascination as mistrust, the yellow vests became a very tempting dessert for ultra-rights, those of France and those of the outside. Donald Trump spoke about it, Steve Bannon also and the Italians quickly saw the opportunity to approach them and recover them. Hence the holding of the meeting between Di Maio and two of the leaders as well as insistent provocations of Rome. Matteo Salvini, when the yellow movement emerged in November, he was one of the first to use it against the head of the French state. "Macron has ceased to be my opponent – it's no longer a problem for me – it's a problem for the French," Salvini said. The Italian far right and 5-star leaders believe that yellow vests have similarities with each of these currents: they are, according to them, populist and against the system. As part of this strategy, Di Maio met in France Ingrid Levavbadeur, a former head of yellow vests who, with a newly created party, will be presented in European elections. He then did it with one of the most radical current men, Christophe Chalençon, a leader who advocated a "civil war in France" if Macron did not resign and even demanded that "l & # 39; army comes into play ". It does not end here. Next week, a new meeting with the yellow vests was organized, now in the Italian capital. The controversy between Paris and Rome comes from far away, concretely from the migratory crisis of the Mediterranean. Last June, Macron denounced Italy's "cynicism" and "irresponsibility" when it refused the humanitarian ship Aquarius to anchor in its ports with more than 600 migrants on board. The accusation enraged the Italians, especially as Macron later evoked "the leprosy that rises in Europe" and the nationalist temptations. Salvini replied, "We may be lepers populist, but what I get from those who open the doors, get thousands of migrants and we'll talk again." The curtain of the theater was left alone: ​​the last altercation is a recently opened chapter on the world's attempt for the political supremacy of the world between a right-wing extremist and a loathsome and an ultra-liberalism creeping to the unequal vocation and the capture of all privileges, including that of justice, only feeds the extremes she intends to fight. In reality, this extreme right is not more than the last creation of liberalism to remain in power. The liberals in Europe devoted themselves to setting fire to the far right and then appearing as holy saviors.

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