Macron told Bolsonaro that he was not up to the president after teasing his wife


The offensive message would not have transpired if it had not been because one of his comments – according to São Paulo's O Globo newspaper – is part of the Brazilian president himself: "Do not humiliate him, man."

The comment, on which the Brazilian government is silent, has aroused criticism in a context marked precisely by the political impulse between Macron and Bolsonaro because of the responsibilities of the latter in the fires that affect the Brazilian Amazon, said the agency. Europa Press news.

Relations between the two countries had also provoked diplomatic controversy earlier this month, after Bolsonaro canceled a meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian at the last minute and appeared live on Facebook. the hair.

"As I have a great friendship and great respect for the Brazilian people, I hope that he will quickly have a president who will behave in an exemplary manner," said the French leader at the time. ;a press conference. "What can I tell them? It's sad, it's sad, but it's sad for him and the Brazilians," he said.

The French president reacted to a derogatory comment against his wife, published on Facebook by a supporter of Bolsonaro. The publication compared Brigitte Macron, pictured on a disadvantageous photo, to another of the first Brazilian lady, Michelle Bolsonaro, radiant on the day of her husband's investiture.

"Do you now understand why Macron attacks Bolsonaro?", Reads next to the picture. "Do not humiliate the man," laughed Bolsonaro in the same social network.

Part of Bolsonaro's environment has joined the onslaught against the French president, beginning with Education Minister Abraham Weintraub, who called Macron "an opportunistic cretin".


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