Madeleine McCann: a forensic expert intervened after Sept. 11 said that he could solve the case in a few weeks


A US forensic expert said that he could solve the case of Madeleine McCann in a few weeks if the British police provided him with the DNA samples taken during the investigation. Little Maddie disappeared from a hotel complex in Portugal 12 years ago, May 3, 2007, and since then, several hypotheses have been made as to her eventual fate.

In an interview with the British newspaper Daily StarMark Perlin, scientist of the American Cybernetics Society, asked to badyze the genetic tests taken from the McCann family's vacation apartment. There are 18 "inconclusive" samples that would be loaded with new clues, which would not have been detected by the authorities 12 years ago.

"It would take us a week or two, according to the data, we will receive an initial preliminary report after receipt of this report, "said the specialist, who worked on the identification of victims of the terrorist attack of September 11. Although Perlin offered to participate in the free survey, for the moment has not received a response from the English police.

Madeleine McCann disappeared from a hotel complex in Portugal 11 years ago, May 3, 2007. (Source: AP)
Madeleine McCann disappeared from a hotel complex in Portugal 11 years ago, May 3, 2007. (Source: AP)

"At the time, the experts generated reliable DNA data and their methods were tested in the laboratory, which improved over time. they they did not know how to interpret the clues they had generated"If you use a computer program that can use all the data and consider millions of different possibilities, you will get more information than other methods that usually do not respond at all. ", he added.

An American coroner believes that the DNA samples taken from the Madeleine case are the key to finding out what happened to the missing baby. (Source: Daily Mail)
An American coroner believes that the DNA samples taken from the Madeleine case are the key to finding out what happened to the missing baby. (Source: Daily Mail)

In 2016, Perlin's laboratory successfully badyzed complex evidence of a lawsuit for murder in Australia. The sample was fundamental in the case to secure the conviction of Robert Xie, a man who had murdered five parents and managed to escape justice in three previous trials.


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