Madrid was Moscow: Spain has the heaviest snowfall in 60 years


In addition to the second wave of coronavirus cases, Spain has suffered the heaviest snowfall in 60 years during these hours. It is a historical fact that for certain sectors of the country it was the occasion to play with the snow, but that over the hours it caused serious inconvenience, to the point that some streets are more than a meter long. snow, with cars buried and general activities paralyzed.

No water comes out of the tap, everything is frozen“, explained a neighbor to the agency AFP about the storm, which, despite being warned by meteorological specialists, no one had warned of its significant magnitude. In this way, this Saturday, the Spanish capital looked like the Russian city of Moscow.

Forecasts indicate that this Sunday January 10, the weather would start to improve, still with very low temperatures, but at least the snowfall would stop.

Some streets in Madrid have accumulated more than a meter and a half of snow.
Some streets in Madrid have more than a meter of snow, with cars buried. (Photo: AFP)

The impressive snowfall occurred in connection with the so-called storm Filomena, which affected almost the entire territory of the Iberian country. The storm collapsed the city of Madrid, leaving more than 400 routes affected, 60 closed and dozens of drivers trapped. He also forced the closure of Barajas airport.

Like the capital district, the autonomous communities (equivalent to the provinces of Argentina) of Aragon, Castilla-La Mancha, Catalonia and Valencia are at extreme risk (red warning). Meanwhile, Cantabria, Castile and León, Extremadura, Navarre, Basque Country and La Rioja are at significant risk (yellow).

Madrid woke up in the snow on January 9.
Person skiing in the middle of the street in Madrid. (Photo: AFP)

People throwing snowballs, assembling dolls or even skiing in the middle of the traditional Puerta de Alcalá, were some of the images that could be recorded in Spain. However, there were also other situations generated by the snow: several private and public transport vehicles were registered blocked by the storm.

In this sense, in Madrid more than 400 drivers were rescued they were trapped by the large amount of snow. The storm forced several communities to announce the suspension of classes and the cancellation of some football and basketball games.

Although this has generated great inconvenience, at least for this weekend, health authorities should not be concerned about compliance with the severe measures and restrictions implemented by the coronavirus, since the climate was in charge of limiting the mobility capacity of citizens.

Some streets in Madrid have accumulated more than a meter and a half of snow.
Some took the opportunity to take pictures in the snow. (Photo: AFP)



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