Maduro again rejected humanitarian aid: "It's a trap with spoiled food"


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has again accused on Friday the humanitarian aid projects promoted by the President of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, and badured that it was about "a trap, a show with spoiled and contaminated food". On Thursday, Vice President Delcy Rodriguez had already badured that the aid sent by the United States was "poisoned" and "carcinogenic" and compared it to a "biological weapon".

"Now that they have the history of humanitarian aid, they freeze and rob us of $ 30,000 million overseas and offer the far right 20 million dollars from a rotten and contaminated food, "he said at a public ceremony of Angostura's Bicentennial Congress.

Maduro, who called for a "military civilian union", considers the Guaidó as a "puppet" serving the President of the United States, Donald Trump, "a Judas who tried that the American empire seizes politically and militarily"Venezuela According to the president, the opposition" has never gone so far.

"The empire has gone crazy, crazy, crazy"said Maduro, who completed" the time of the combat forces, the coup d'etat, the military interventions of the twentieth century. Today, he added, "it is an era of popular power," "sovereignty and freedom for the people".

Maduro wondered if "Trump had already helped people in his life" and urged him to relieve the "misery" that exists within the borders of the United States.

Maduro said that the dialogue was the "magic formula" for resolving political differences and offered to sit down and talk to people with "totally contrary" opinions, for which he "placed himself" in thank you "for the" mechanism of Montevideo ".

"The coup has failed and they will not be able to deal with Venezuela, so dialogue is the only way," he said, citing a path that his critics had initially rejected, having failed to address the issue. other occasions and serving only Chavismo. save time in power.


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