Maduro also suffers from power outages: the court in full press conference


Maduro, at a meeting with reporters, in Caracas Source: AFP

CARACAS.- The power outages in the


of the social and economic crisis are frequent. This time it's the president himself who has suffered,

Nicolás Maduro

when he ran out of energy at the Miraflores Palace, in the middle of a press conference.

#On video [R]The light is extinguished in Miraflores during Nicolás Maduro's press conference with international media reporters
# 8feb. The signal was interrupted and re-established shortly after dark. – Cocuyo effect (@EfectoCocuyo)
February 8, 2019

The signal was interrupted and restored shortly after the room was left in the dark. The power outage hit several areas of the Venezuelan capital.

Power outages are common in Venezuela, a country experiencing a severe economic crisis characterized by widespread shortages, hyperinflation and frequent failures in the delivery of public services.

The government generally blames power outages for alleged sabotage and "electric warfare," but opponents and experts cite disinvestment as the main cause.

The state electricity company Corpoelec is going through a crisis of its own after the resignation of some of its staff of specialized workers and technicians motivated by low wages and the continued rise in prices suffered by the country.

ANSA Agency


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