Maduro and Russia endanger dialogue in Mexico for fear of Alex Saab


A woman walks past a mural painted by Colombian businessman Alex Saab in Caracas.  Nicolás Maduro's alleged leader is detained in Cape Verde and will be extradited to the United States (Reuters)
A woman walks past a mural painted by Colombian businessman Alex Saab in Caracas. Nicolás Maduro’s alleged leader is detained in Cape Verde and will be extradited to the United States (Reuters)

When, on September 8, the Constitutional Court of Cape Verde authorized the extradition of Alex Nain Saab Moran -the Pandora’s box by chavismo – the Miraflores Palace trembled. This is the final instance that separated the magically successful Colombian businessman – who provides his services and name to Nicolas Mature extradition. He is the man the regime has done the most to protect to prevent his final stopover in the state United become an explosive and definitive statement on the darkest tunnels of Chavismo.

The hierarchy was so moved by the arrest of Saab On the African island on June 12, 2020, as if he was one of those sudden saints of Christianity who are automatically raised to heavenly altars, he instantly received Venezuelan citizenship, a passport and a diplomatic card. Caracas He works miracles when he is desperate. Ironies of the present: while more than six million Venezuelans have embarked on a painful diaspora in the world, Mature He was only interested in a brand new compatriot, the most precious of immigrants, isolated in the middle of the Atlantic.

In the last days, Miraflores He tried by all means to stop the plane that would carry the supplier and “official” of the state – as acknowledged by the Venezuelan Attorney General in an interview with Infobae– up to Florida placing the Colombian in front of US prosecutors. So much so that the tension mounts that the conversations in Mexico they could be wrecked. This is how Chavismo and his main interlocutor, spokesperson and partner at the dialogue table have put it in recent hours, Russia.

He was Moscow -five days ago- the first to warn against the extradition of the alleged leader to state United. He did so by a statement signed by one of his spokespersons, Married Zajarova. They assure that the decision of the Constitutional Court of Cape Verde constitutes a “threat of dialogue” to Mexico. A few days later, in a strange parable, they indicated that they did not want to condition the negotiations.

We consider that the criminal prosecution of A. Saab, who has diplomatic status and carried out a humanitarian mission, is politically motivated», Explained the Ministry of External Relations of Vladimir Poutine. Clear and explicit pressure not only for Cap Green, but to those who are seated at the Mexican table.

It is believed that the family of Saab, the Pandora businessman, is based at Russia. Why is Kremlin where I haven’t set foot on North American soil? What are you afraid of being known? Maybe the veil will be lifted when I finally land Florida.

Also the lawyer of Saab, the former Spanish judge Baltazar Boy he shared the same line of thinking as Russian diplomacy. The court ruling on the extradition said: “may have a negative effect” to Mexico. It is commendable to see how the magistrate multiplies his working hours to defend Chavismo.

The next desperate maneuver of Miraflores It happened this Tuesday. It was at this point that they wanted, surprisingly, to add the businessman imprisoned on the African island to the negotiations with the Venezuelan opposition. announced it Jorge Rodriguez, the most important Chavista delegate in Mexico City. Argument in the same way as the lawyers of Saab: that he is a diplomat. will propose Norway, Russia already The Netherlands the new name. The maneuver is the same as Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces (FARC) during the peace negotiations with the government of Juan Manuel Santos in 2012 and appointed Simón Trinidad as negotiator in Cuba.

Venezuelan opposition delegates categorically rejected the attack.

For more pressure: when night fell Caracas, the regime’s attorney general announced that an investigation had been opened against Juan Guaido, president in office and highest figure of the opposition, for “treason”. Tarek William Saab He said the cause is also linked to “Usurpation of functions, criminal association, robbery of property and criminal association”. Few of the crimes were outside the Venezuelan Penal Code.

The maneuver, escalating until the opposition leader’s arrest, would end the Mexican talks. This is because one of the main points debated there is precisely the liberation of all trap The politicians, a sum that reaches 261 according to Criminal Forum, an organization that denounces the systematic violations of human rights by the dictatorship of Mature. Will the Chavismo dare to cross this fine red line that would be the arrest of Guaido in the eyes of the world?

The other extradition that worries Miraflores – although for the moment it has been neutralized – is that of the Hugo “The Chicken” Carvajal. The former head of the Military Counterintelligence Directorate of Hugo Chavez and Mature was detained in Madrid September 10. The general’s transfer is on hold thanks to the favor of a Spanish court which has stopped the process. The judges of this body are particularly controversial. The judicial favors made to a soldier accused of being one of the priests of the Suns poster intrigue not only in Spain, but also in United States. Perhaps they have the friendship of a former champion of justice who receives the favors of Chavismo.

Carvajal it is also a threat to the entire Chavista hierarchy if it starts talking to the DEA. This North American anti-narcotics bureau is the one that put a price on its head and found it in Madrid, hidden in an apartment he has barely left for two years. He had changed his physical appearance and his face so that they would not recognize him, in the best style Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman and other famous drug dealers.

Twitter: @TotiPI


Persecution in Venezuela: Chavismo opened investigation for “treason to the homeland” against Juan Guaidó
Venezuela: Maduro’s regime proposed to include Alex Saab in the peace negotiations in Mexico

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