Maduro announced a national consultation and registration of militiamen


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced today the call for a national consultation through "open Bolivarian councils" propose the progress of the legislative elections.

"We are going to the parliamentary elections, I am in agreement it can be relegated legislative ", he declared in a mbadive act of Chavez in Caracas.

In addition, Maduro announced the opening of an inscription so that every citizen can S enlist as a militiaman and formally integrate the army.

"I call on the militia and the militia that they have the will, especially towards the young people who register and are incorporated as active soldiers of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) ", he declared, quoted by the agency of press Europa Press.

Maduro's ads took place at a rally on Avenida Bolívar convened on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the inauguration of Hugo Chávez as President of Venezuela.

This Saturday too there was a popular demonstration of antichavism in Caracas with the presence of the proclaimed interim president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó.

Telam Agency.


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