Maduro asked the pope's help to "facilitate dialogue" in Venezuela | Chronic


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced that he had sent a letter to Pope Francis "a process of facilitation and strengthening of dialogue", which has been confirmed by the environment of the pontiff on an official trip to Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates.

"I sent a letter to Pope Francis, I hope that he is on a trip or that he has arrived in Rome, at the Vatican, saying that I am serving the cause of the Christ, and with that spirit I asked him for help, in a process of facilitation and strengthening of dialogue, as direction "he said during an interview with the Italian news channel TG24 Sky.

"I ask the pope to make his best efforts, his willingness to help us on the path of dialogue, we hope to receive a positive response" Maduro spoke about the content of his writing.

The Cardinal Secretary of State of the Vatican, Pietro Parolin, he only confirmed that the monks had received the letter from the Venezuelan president.

"The governments of Mexico and Uruguay, all Caricom Caribbean governments and the Government of Bolivia have requested the organization of a conference for dialogue and peace in Venezuela on February 7 "He added during the interview with the Italian media, which coincided with the announcement by several powers of the European Union to recognize the interim president of Venezuela.

Juan Guaidóproclaimed as such by the National Assembly (Parliament), by a majority of the opposition, on 23 January.


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