Maduro attempts to recover the initiative with a maneuver against the Parliament


After the setbacks on the outside front, he moves forward with a plan to call for legislative elections and weaken the opposition; a brother of Chávez warned that they could "take the rifles" Source: Archives – Credit: Yuri Cortéz / AFP

CARACAS.- "Look, sir

[Juan] Guaidó

You have not heard the whistling of a nearby ball, you do not know what it feels like when a ball hits three centimeters. "

Diosdado Cabello

, number two of the Bolivarian revolution, has not even spared the threats against the president in charge of


in the offensive that Chavismo launched to recover the political initiative lost after

a month adrift


The threat of an imminent coup d'état against the opposition-controlled parliament; attempts to force a trap-like dialogue; the so-called wars covered with peace messages and collecting signatures to conceal the lack of popular support in the streets emerge vividly in the revolutionary agenda, which also loaded his "artillery of thought" with "explosives" "propaganda.

"In making the decision
Our pulse will not shake, "said Cabello, also president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), which confirmed the creation of a commission to convene legislative elections" quickly, very quickly. "Cabello feared yesterday with the dissolution of the National Assembly (Parliament), despite the fact that the mandate of deputies ends in 2021, according to the Constitution.

"It can be a week, a day, two days, we will see well," confirmed Darío Vivas, chairman of the aforementioned commission. "We have heard that the opposition has called for elections.I think that one of the ways to please the opposition is to hold elections to the National Assembly, the only one that was not legitimated before the sovereign ANC ", is mocked the constitutional delegate, close to the Bolivarian boss. "When making this decision, our pulse will not shake and we will not care what imperialism can think," said Vivas. The revolution is waiting for its best moment.

In Venezuela's constant political back and forth, the Speaker of Parliament was asked: "It would be a political mistake and a foolish pride if it was a political suicide to push this farce, I do not want to imagine for the moment, mbadive support for change in Venezuela that would mean for a small group rooted in Miraflores and usurping the benefits of the social consequence that it would have ".

The revolutionary sword of Damocles does not include truces. "We are ready to give up our lives," said Cabello. Minister Adán Chávez, brother of the "supreme commander", joined him and was represented in the same Bolivarian forum.
ready to take the rifles.

In Caracas, Maduro organized an event with representatives of the transport sector.
In Caracas, Maduro organized an event with representatives of the transport sector. Source: Reuters


The harangues of the two leaders occurred a few hours after their radicals harbaded the Democratic deputies outside the legislative palace, who share, by force, the two bademblies. At the same time, more than 500 km, two columns of
Chavez's militias roamed the streets of Sabaneta, Chávez's hometown and the cradle of the revolution. The ride ends with shooting exercises in a school.

"It is clear that had there been no American pressure, the regime would have arrested President Guaidó, eliminated the National Assembly and imprisoned the deputies," said Fr. Luis Ugalde, former rector of Andrés Bello Catholic University and one of the most respected leaders of Frente Amplio Venezuela Libre.



He is absolutely determined to cling to power, using all the violence at his disposal, without worrying about costs or consequences. Considerable force will be needed to expel and release Venezuela, "said former mayor Ramón Muchacho, an exile in the United States.

Starting today, the revolution will begin a series of signatures "to hand them over to the White House, alongside the American people, rejecting the threats," said Nicolás Maduro. "We are going to sign millions of dollars for the voice of Venezuela to be heard and to be evoked by a pacifist wave," said the president, whose aim is to conceal the lack of popular support in the streets.

In 2015, Chavismo led a similar initiative against the famous decree published by

Barack Obama

. According to the government, 10 million signatures were collected, an inflated figure, but which allowed Maduro to gain popularity.

Report on the bribes of Odebrecht

The Brazilian construction company


He paid $ 173 million in bribes to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and other Chavez leaders in exchange for contracts in major public works, the Estado de S. Pablo newspaper reported yesterday. This amount was disbursed between 2006 and 2014 and includes some $ 30 million given to Maduro for its election campaign, says the report of the newspaper correspondent in Switzerland. Odebrecht is the largest construction company in Latin America and the epicenter of Lava Jato. Brazilian Minister of Justice Sergio Moro, who visited Switzerland last month, has pledged to help investigate Venezuelan-Venezuelan relations.


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