Maduro: "Behind It's The Hand Of President Donald Trump" | Chronic


Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro announced days of rationing to stabilize the electricity system after a fire that affected Monday the entire energy network of the country last Monday, a power failure that he attributed to a gun attack on the initiative of the US president, Donald Trumpand antichavista Juan Guadó.

"We are going to spend days where we will have to move to a conscious and organized loading administration, in order to stabilize the system until we rebuild everything that they have burned."Maduro told VTV last night his government.

The President reiterated that he hoped to restore power in the coming hours and fully stabilize the service as soon as possible.

Maduro said that Monday afternoon's fire had been caused in the transformation park of the country's main power plant, Guri hydroelectric power plant, "He took a rifle in a steep area".

"The attacked place, which was burned down, is a vital place for the transport of electricity in the country", he added.

He argued that the fact that Venezuela has been virtually paralyzed for three days due to lack of energy, "This benefits US imperialism and the evil right", both "behind this attack"I was looking for "cause a great fire that will leave us several weeks without light". "Behind it is the hand of the President of the United States, Donald Trump"he accused.

I also read: Maduro government says Guaidó party planned "badbadinations"

Maduro stated that there was evidence to support its version as that of the bullets used in the Guri hydroelectric plant and that the type of long-range rifle used had been determined. "Surely by an elite shooter", quoted local media and news agencies EFE and Europa Press.

At the same time, Guaidó, the president in charge of Venezuela appointed by the Parliament, called last night to organize new demonstrations against power outages and to prepare a final plan to put Maduro in power. "We call this Saturday all over the country to refuse that the electricity is cut off"said the new anti-Chavez leader.

At a press conference held in the west of Caracas, Mr Guaidó asked Venezuelans to include in their demands on Saturday the "cessation of the usurpation", one of the promises with which in January he was sworn in as president in charge before the "illegitimacy" in which, he considers, Maduro engages.

Guaidó asked members of the armed forces, the police and public institutions, all led by Chavists, to also organize in small groups, because, he condemned, "The time has come to move in all states, in all communities".

Finally, he repeated that "all options are on the table" in its eagerness to end 20 years of chavismo and which has the majority support of the international community to achieve this goal.


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