Maduro called to defend the country and warned that the coup and criminals will be imprisoned


Maduro spoke to thousands of Venezuelans who came to support him on this new day of violence and tension fueled by Juan Guaidó and Leopoldo López. In this sense, the head of state said that the leaders of the frustrated military uprising who had yesterday tried to expel him from the government were being sought by justice and "sooner than later" would go to jail.

"We have just defeated a new conspiracy on the right, yesterday they tried to impose on treason", said the president in front of dozens of supporters gathered in the presidential palace of Miraflores on the occasion of Workers' Day.

"I have the evidence in the hands and the justice research and as soon as possible, they will go to jail to pay for their betrayal and their crime," he added, according to the news agency. State AVN.

The chavist leader promised that "in the coming days" he will show "all the evidence of who conspired, who betrayed, how he betrayed", and concluded: "Let justice do its part."

Yesterday, at dawn, a civil and military uprising was set in motion to expel Maduro from the government, which failed.

The president reappeared more than 19 hours after the uprising began, when he delivered a speech broadcast by the official radio and television network.

He said the uprising was supported by Colombia and the United States, saying that 80 percent of the military called were "scammed" and "threatened", and presented videos that would have been recorded during those actions.

The suppression of the uprising left at least one dead, 109 wounded and 150 arrested, according to the NGO Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social (OVCS) and Foro Penal (FP).

Yesterday, Maduro noted the head of the Bolivian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), General Manuel Cristopher Figuera, who, according to military sources quoted by the local press, was arrested.

Cristopher Figuera, who was criticized by government sectors for the release of the opposition leader, Leopoldo Lopez, who was serving house arrest, revealed in the middle of the uprising a letter in which he emphasized "the looting". state of deterioration "in which Venezuela lives.

In addition, The US government has revealed that negotiations with high-profile Chavismo officials to facilitate the Maduro exit had taken place, claiming that they had failed due to the last-minute intervention of the Russian authorities.


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