Maduro calls to vote among parliamentarians to renegotiate the legislature


"I agree that the legislature is relegitimate", badured the president during a deed in Caracas, 20 years after the beginning of the first government of Hugo Chávez.

Maduro avoided making statements about pressure from other countries resign from office and call early presidential elections. Instead, the president attacked the legislature with which he had already had differences in the past.

In 2017, Maduro promoted by decree the National Constituent Assembly at the moment when the justice declared outrage to the National Assembly that already existed, namely the majority of the opposition from where this year came the self-proclaimed interim president, Juan Guaidó.

In addition to announcing the possibility of holding legislative elections, Maduro has launched an appeal this Saturday to all citizens who want to join the Bolivarian army in the charity of the militiamen.

"I call the militiamen and militiamen who have it available, especially young people who register and join as active soldiers of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces"he said.


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