Maduro closed Venezuela's airspace and the land border with Brazil


"I decided (this) in the south of Venezuela (…) from 20:00 (00:00 GMT) today Thursday, February 21 the land border with Brazil is closed totally and until new order"The president said at a meeting with the military in Caracas, Fuerte Tiuna, the largest barracks in the country.

Brazil is one of fifty countries recognized by the head of Parliament, Juan Guaidóas president in charge of Venezuela and Roraima state, donations of food and medicine managed by the opponent are collected and Maduro refuses to accept.

Maduro repeated that These donations are part of a "show" to invade the country militarily and expel Chavismo from the power he has had since 1999.

In addition, the President stated to be "evaluate" the closure of the border with Colombiawhere help is also stored for Venezuela.


Nicolás Maduro and a report on the BBC

"In 2015, I made the decision to temporarily close the borders with Colombia (…), I've I do not want to have to make a decision about these featuresbut I estimate it, a total closure of the border, I evaluate it, a warned man is worth two, "said the president.

In this sense, he said that from Colombia "false positives" are registered to justify the entry to Venezuela of foreign militaryand blamed the president of that country, Iván Duque, for any act of violence that may occur on the border between the two nations.

In short, in the same thread, he baderted to have "hot" information that indicates that the Colombian army told Duque that it would not lend itself to an attack on Venezuela.


Francisco to Maduro: "What was agreed was not followed by concrete actions"

"The Colombian army refuses to lend itself to aggression against his sister Venezuela. maximum honor, Bolivarian honor, do not lend themselves to false positives, to a provocation, "he added.

Maduro also again rejected recipes for aid stored at the borders with Colombia and Brazil, and claimed that these foods are "carcinogenic", without evidence.

He also referred to the closure of communications with the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao, all the political territories of the Netherlands, and baderted that he was obliged to do so because he "was preparing a provocation".


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