Maduro closes three border bridges with Colombia and tension rises


"The Bolivarian government informs the population that, because of the serious and illegal threats that the Colombian government has made to La Paz and the sovereignty of Venezuela, it has taken the decision to temporarily and completely close the Simón Bolívar, Santander and Unión. "Rodriguez wrote on his Twitter account, which in turn was published on the official account of Nicolás Maduro.

The Bolivarian government informs the population that because of the serious and illegal threats made by the Colombian government against La Paz and the sovereignty of Venezuela, it has decided to temporarily close the bridges of Simón Bolívar, Santander and Unión!

– Delcy Rodríguez (@DrodriguezVen) February 23, 2019

"The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela gives all the guarantees to the Venezuelan and Colombian people to cross the border safely and once the blatant acts of violence against our people and our territory have been controlled, border normality will be restored"., he added.

By demanding respect for the basic norms of international law, we ask @ IvanDuque stop in his infamous actions and stop facilitating the attempt of the territory of Colombia, x order of @realDonaldTrump against the right of the Venezuelan people to live in peace and sovereignty

– Delcy Rodríguez (@DrodriguezVen) February 23, 2019

The decision was taken in the midst of the political crisis in Venezuela following the proclamation in early February of Juan Guaidó as president.

On Friday, the concerts "Venezuela Aid Live" – ​​led by British businessman Richard Branson, in favor of Guaidó – and "Hands Off Venezuela", which promoted Chavismo, took place at two points border.

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The tension has increased in recent days with the announcement of the delivery of nearly 300 tons of humanitarian aid – mainly from the United States – for this Saturday, February 23, at various border points.

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For this reason, Nicolás Maduro, who denies the existence of a "humanitarian crisis" in his country, had ordered this week the closing of the borders with the islands of Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao and with the Brazil.

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