Maduro congratulates Panama and shows its desire to work with the new government


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, happiness this Monday in Panama for polling day celebrityyesterday and expressed his desire to work with him new government of the country of Central America.

Through a statement by the Presidency, MyHe reiterated the desire of the "will and the absolute will" of his executive to work "with the Electo "de Panama in "el Strengthening and consolidating bilateral relations based on the rest, non-interference in internal affairs ".

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Also, mWe hope these relationships are based on "self-determination, the sovereignty and construction of Latin America and the The Caribbean, an area of ​​peace and prosperity and united in cooperation and solidarity for the well-being "of the region.

In this statement, also sends its "most sincere congratulations" to the Panamanian people "for the success of the election day"of this Sunday, at which over 2.7 million of the people were calls at the polls to elect the president, the vice president, deputies National Assembly and Parliament of Central America (Parlacen), mayors, representatives of the corregimiento and councilors

The the winner was the Social Democrat opponent Laurentino Cortizor with a narrow margin, since it exceeded by less than 40 000 votes the candidate of the party of democratic change (CD-liberal) Rómulo Roux, who denounced alleged "irregularities" and who declared that he would wait for the physical count of minutes.

The winner, dThe Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) received the support of 33% of the voters who voted at the polls, with 92% of the voting tables, while Roux won 31% of the vote.

The tThe position of ercera was for the independent Ricardo Lombana, with 19,3%, according to the data of the electoral court.

The loser of the election day was the candidate of the ruling party Panameñista, José Blandón, who was in fourth place with just over 10.4 % of votes

In his statement, the The Venezuelan government stresses "the civic and democratic process of the general elections", as well as "the exemplary participation of the Panamanian people and respect for the popular sovereignty that has allowed citizens to exercise their right to vote"


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