Maduro has identified the former intelligence chief "captured by the CIA" as leader of the uprising | Chronic


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, identified Friday the former head of the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin), general Manuel Ricardo Cristopher Figuera, As leader of the April 30 uprising against his government, he badured that he would be captured by the CIA.

"He was captured a year ago by the CIA" American, said in a speech at the Miraflores Palace Plaza Bicentenario, informed the Venezuelan News Agency.

He added that the US intelligence services had surprised the general to conspire and explain the coup d'etat of April 30 last.

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Maduro badured that the former director of the Sebin had a strange behavior and that he had to be removed from his duties on the same day as the coup d'etat, which led him to order the uprising.

On May 7, the United States lifted the sanctions they had imposed on Figuera, according to an announcement by the vice president, Mike Pence.

Along with the announcement of the award, Pence said that he hoped that this measure "encourage others" military to "follow the example of the general" and to abandon Maduro, who is the target of a US-led diplomatic offensive to remove him from the government.

On this occasion, Pence threatened to extend US sanctions to the 33 judges of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela (TSJ) if that institution "badumes its constitutional mandate."

US sanctions are generally related to the financial movements of affected individuals.

Cristopher Figuera was put in front of the Sebin on October 31 and sent back by Maduro after the opponent Leopoldo Lopez He broke his house arrest in the middle of an uprising.

The intelligence agency was questioned after the operation that resulted in the release of Lopez, in a context in which the United States spread rumors about the involvement of Chavist soldiers in the uprising.


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