Maduro: "I have the evidence in the hands of the plot of coup d'etat"


Maduro spoke after the clashes of yesterday and today all over the country Source: AFP – Credit: JUAN BARRETO

Nicolás Maduro

He appeared in public for the first time after a day of high tension throughout Venezuela and said that

a "coup d'état" attempt,

but this "loyalty to treason has been imposed".

After recalling the problems that Hugo Chávez had encountered in 2002 and moving forward in celebration of Workers' Day, he said: "They have not been able to live with us. Nor can we live with us, the absolute will to defend this revolution and the Bolivarian Constitution. "

"I have the evidence in the hands of the coup plotter, they are fleeing through the embbadies, but justice will eventually lead them to jail," Maduro told the crowd, saying the Opposition and "imperialism" "They want to lead them to a" civil war ".

In another part of a long speech, Maduro denied having negotiated his exit from power. "They made American imperialism believe that I was going to surrender and that I was going to leave the country, that I was aboard a plane bound for Cuba and I was that the Russians had shot me. "

"I let him say that you were cheated and that you cheated on US President Donald Trump, who believed in his own false news," said the chavist in front of the crowd that he called down in the street to defend the regime.

Maduro reiterated that the leaders of the frustrated military civic uprising who sought yesterday to expel him from the government are wanted by the courts and that "as soon as possible" will go to jail.

The chavist leader promised that "in the coming days", he will show "all the evidence of who conspired, who betrayed, how he betrayed", and concluded: "Let justice do its part".

Maduro said the uprising was supported by Colombia and the United States, and said that 80 percent of the military called was "scammed" and "threatened" and projected videos that would have been recorded during those actions.

The repression of the uprising resulted in at least one death, 109 wounded and 150 arrests, according to NGOs Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social (OVCS) and Foro Penal (FP).

Yesterday, Maduro noted the head of the Bolivian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), General Manuel Cristopher Figuera, who, according to military sources quoted by the local press, was arrested.

New crosses and repression

Soldiers, policemen and paramilitaries have cracked down on anti-Chavez protests throughout Venezuela today, with harshness that has not been seen for months, in the aftermath of the frustrating uprising of civilians and soldiers.
against President Nicolás Maduro, to the point that they aroused the condemnation of the UN and the contact group chaired by the European Union (EU).

Meanwhile, the acting president appointed by Parliament,

Juan Guaidó,

He warned that Maduro's displacement goals "did not deflate" after the uprising failed and called for a strike by state employees "for the general strike".

Members of the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB, military police) and the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) fired tear gas and rubber bullets at most anti-Chavez sympathizers to avoid scheduled marches, informed the Venezuelan and foreign press.

The marches, however, took place, and in their course there were many clashes, in which we also saw hooded stones and Molotov badtails in uniforms.

According to their authorities, only 30 hospitals were injured in the hospitals of the municipality of Chaco, in Caracas, and until this afternoon, the NGOs that regularly count the victims and detainees during street protests. 39 have not published any reports.

The press was relieved, even with videos and photographs, of riots at the La Carlota military air base – where protesters crossed the perimeter barrier with a vehicle – and at least four other areas of Caracas, as well as

With information from Telam agency.


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