Maduro: "I have the evidence of the attempted coup d'etat" | Chronic


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Madurosaid Wednesday that the leaders of the frustrated civilian military uprising who tried to oust him from the government last Tuesday are being sought by the courts, and "sooner than later" they will go to prison.

"We have just defeated a new conspiracy on the right, yesterday they tried to impose on treason"said the president in front of dozens of supporters gathered at the Miraflores presidential palace on the occasion of Labor Day.

"I have the evidence in my hands and seek justice and as soon as possible they will go to prison to pay for their betrayal and their crime"He added, according to the state news agency AVN.

The chavist leader promised that "in the coming days" show "all the evidence of who conspired, who betrayed, how he betrayed"and overcome: "Let justice do its part".

Finally, he specified "Who wants to go to Miraflores" , "They must win the elections". "The Bolivarian people and armed forces will not allow a coup d'etat"he concluded.

In reference to the alleged plot, Maduro noted the head of the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (Sebin), General Manuel Cristopher Figuerawhich, according to military sources quoted by the local press, was arrested.

Speak @NicolasMaduro | "When they plan their plots, they forget a little detail, they forget that there is a majority of people willing to give their lives in the streets to triumph on the path of revolution"

– Chronic journal (@cronica)
May 1, 2019


Speak @nicolasmaduro | "Yesterday he tried to impose a plot on a handful of traitors, I have proof of how they were captured.They are now fleeing between the embbady and the embbady But sooner or later, they will go to prison to pay for their betrayal and their crimes.

– Chronic journal (@cronica)
May 1, 2019

Speak @nicolasmaduro | "All leaders of the coup d'etat were left in Altamira, they thought that 300,000 people would come to their call, no one came forward and they had to flee, they are now refugees in embbadies, cowards, putschists, criminals "

– Chronic journal (@cronica)
May 1, 2019

Speak @nicolasmaduro | "I ask … from now on, the policy has ended with a debate of ideas, as a political process, we move to the armed struggle to see who has more weapons and bullets … that's what the opposition and imperialism.

– Chronic journal (@cronica)
May 1, 2019

Speak @nicolasmaduro | "Whoever wants to go to Miraflores only has to win the elections, only the people come forward and the people take it, they are not bullets, they will not impose such a president , the people and the Bolivarian Armed Forces will not allow coup d'etat "

– Chronic journal (@cronica)
May 1, 2019

The transmission of Maduro through its social networks


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