Maduro, in front of a crowd of soldiers: "Time to fight" has arrived | Chronic


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás MaduroHe urged officers and professional troops to "stay faithful to the government" during a speech in the court of honor of the military academy of Fuerte Tiuna, in the city of Caracas.

"The time has come to fight and show the world the example and to say that in Venezuela there is a coherent, loyal and coherent FAN (National Armed Forces), which triumphs the plotters of attempt to coup d 'état that sell in Washington ", said the president, who asked the officers "to disarm all traitor and golpista".

I reiterate my appeal to the people that, in the face of the attacks of imperialism and its lackeys, our answer is to persevere in the work for the sake of Venezuela's love. They will never be able to break our spirit of struggle and our loyalty to the homeland.

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
May 2, 2019

In military uniform and surrounded by military authorities and soldiers announced for Thursday "Military march with the officers always worthy and loyal of our armed forces".

I also read: United States: "A military intervention is possible in Venezuela"

"Yesterday I was next to the city on the streets"Maduro said in his speech, adding that he had witnessed a "monumental mobilization of popular dignity".

The ceremony was broadcast live on the social network Twitter.

In this document, he badured that during the "Cutting skirmish" realized by "Traitors" two days ago the rebels "They took the machine guns, not to defend the homeland, but to direct them against the Venezuelan army and the people". He also badured that "80% of the officers and soldiers present (at the events of April 30) left them alone, they withdrew", because "They understood that they had been deceived".

I also read: Maduro: "I have proof of attempted coup d'etat"

"Something good came out of the bad: loyalty, in the middle of a fight, they were not afraid to say no to the traitors, no to the conspirators of the coup d'etat", he added.

For his part, the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino LópezHe said that "They try to buy us as merchandise, mercenaries, they intend to break with the most sacred military honor (…) They will not succeed !!"he concluded.

The official march last Wednesday:

Aha! I look forward to the beautiful march of our working clbad. I receive images of an immense manifestation of joy that invades the streets of Caracas. Without a doubt, peace is won thanks to the dignity and conscience of our people. #TrabajadoresPorLaPatria

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
May 1, 2019


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