Maduro, in the chavist march: "Stop calling the Yankees military intervention, the coup d'etat failed"


Chavismo, led by Maduro, staged a protest in the center of Caracas Source: AFP – Credit: YURI CORTEZ

CARCAS.- Supporters of the Government of

Nicolás Maduro

are concentrated in the central avenue Bolivar, in


, to commemorate the 20 years of the Bolivarian revolution of the late president

Hugo Chavez

, support the leadership of Maduro and reject the aggression and "coup d'etat" that the US insists through the leader of the opposition

Juan Guaidó

After 13 (local time), Maduro climbed the main stage of the event which runs parallel to
the march of the opposition calls for the resignation of the current president.

With binoculars in his hand, Maduro began his speech by talking about the boss's call "contramarcha". "Once again, popular power in the street, let the people's power live in Venezuela," he said, leaving the voice to an audio recording of Hugo Chávez, who, he said, " has made the protagonist of Venezuela ".

"Those who accuse us of dictatorship, since its foundation, are from the very roots of Bolivar, we are a deeply free and democratic people, there was no dictatorship in Venezuela, there will be a popular popular democracy" Maduro said. that the people be encouraged to be free and to reveal themselves to the oligarchies The founding act of our revolution, 20 years ago, which marked the essential was to appeal to the original constituent power, written by the people and approved by the people ".

He then remarked: "I am the president of the republic for democracy, I am president, sovereign, worker, people, chaviste, Maduro, president, they can tell me how they want, let know that this Bolivarian movement is a force with a well defined and democratic country plan, we have a plan for the future with a people and a civil-military union. "

Addressing the opposition, he said: "On the right, I ask you to stop supporting the coup that has already failed. It is to lead the revolution and to to continue to govern. " I say right, "Reflect". Twenty years of blow to blow, from defeat to defeat, how long will it hurt the country, stop triggering the war, stop calling for Yankees military intervention, stop supporting a coup? State that has already failed, here govern the revolution. "

"It is time to seek solutions, but through the work, the national union, the productive effort deployed throughout the country, we are not beggars, we must all produce it in Venezuela, we are a country of honor, not beggars of imperialism, "Maduro said Maduro, who predicted that the year 2019 will be" the year of the economic recovery "of the Caribbean country, with record inflation and a severe shortage.

The president insisted that he wanted to participate in a dialogue with the opposition. "I call for national responsibility: Mexico, Uruguay and Bolivia ask to initiate the steps of national unity among Venezuelans, I ratify all my support for the dialogue, the the day they wish, as I wish, I am ready to speak to facilitate the path of the national meeting.To respect this Constitution and to set up a national program, the priority is the economy, the economic recovery, the lifting sanctions and the theft of money by the United States, dialogue, understanding, peace, national harmony. "

Maduro spoke to the President of the United States: "Mr. Donald Trump has deceived you: do you believe, Emperor of the world, who says that Venezuela must surrender? Venezuela does not surrender, Venezuela is rebellious. gringo colony. "

When faced with doubts about the military support for his regime, Maduro said, "We want peace, national unity, and military cohesion, and our armed forces are more and more faithful to the command I have. as a constitutional commander, in accordance with the constitution.The militia is mobilized, long live the Venezuelan national militia. "

First act after the drone case

This is the first act of Maduro in a public square after the attack he claims to have suffered on August 4. Dressed in a red shirt, Maduro arrived Saturday on Bolivar Avenue, in the center of Caracas, where two UAVs loaded with explosives exploded near a podium where he headed a military parade.

On a platform, with his wife Cilia Flores, the Socialist leader sang and harangued thousands of supporters and delivered his speech on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the coming to power of the late President Hugo Chávez (1999- 2013).


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