Maduro: Let Macri get on the skates because he is no longer in the presidency this year


It was after a story had asked a sentence to each of the presidents who were going to talk about it.

February 4, 2019

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, said Sunday night that his Argentine counterpart, Mauricio Macri, will be "out of the presidency this year" after the elections, since he predicted a defeat.

"Macri … to put on the skates because he's leaving the presidency this year", was the curious phrase that he had chosen to answer a slogan of a television show.

Maduro, who is in the eye of the storm in the midst of an opposition initiative to ignore his mandate, He expressed the wish that Macri not be reelected.

It was after a story had asked a sentence to each of the presidents who were going to talk about it.

Asked about the Russian president, Vladimir Poutine, he has answered: "Thank you for the friendship, for the support".

To the new Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, advised him "to take care of health, which seems to be pretty bad, "while the Mexican Andrés Manuel López Obrador said "agrees with his vision of Latin America".

At the head of the French state, Emmanuel Macronhe suggested "I heard the yellow vests"; and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, asked her "to try to see the other Venezuela, to try to listen to the other Venezuela, the real Venezuela".


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