Maduro proposed to advance legislative elections to renew the National Assembly


"Do you want early elections? We are going to elections!"Maduro harangued his supporters, saying however that the elections could be convened by consensus with the opposition "in a dialogue".

"We are going to the legislative elections, I agree that the legislative power will be re-legitimized", insured in a mbadive act of Chavez in Caracas.

Parliament is the only power that the opposition controls in the oil country, after the overwhelming triumph obtained in the December 2015 elections, at the root of the current power struggle.

Guaidó rejected any possibility of engaging "a false dialogue" with the socialist government and warned that it would only agree to a "negotiation" to agree on the terms of a transfer of power and "free" elections.

Maduro ruled out holding presidential elections, saying they had just stood in May 2018, when he was re-elected in a boycott-led process by major opposition parties.

In addition, announced the opening of an inscription allowing any citizen to enlist as a militiaman and to officially join the army.

"I call the militia and militia who have it available, especially young people who register and are incorporated as active soldiers of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB)", detailed, quoted by the press agency Europa Press.

The announcement of Maduro took place at a rally on Avenida Bolivar, calling for the 20th anniversary of the inauguration of Hugo Chávez as President of Venezuela.

Maduro He also stated that the "failure" and called on leaders and leaders of the opposition to abandon the path of "Yankee Interventionism"call "at war" and "military intervention".

"Stop supporting a coup that has already failed (…) we have won peace, they could not with the attempts against Venezuela, we still triumphed", affirmed during one of the two mobilizations of the 2F.

I confirm your support for the initiative of Mexico, Uruguay and Caricom to launch the steps of a new process of dialogue with the opposition.

"I confirm my support for the dialogue, the day they wish it, I am ready to speak to facilitate the national meeting, to respect the Constitution and to define an agenda of priorities", he said.

Maduro concluded the chavist rally in Caracas by taking an oath of "commitment of blood of life" with his supporters for "defend the homeland, maintain the civic military union and defeat imperialist interventionism".


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