Maduro proposes to advance parliamentary elections | Chronic


The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced the call for a national consultation through "Open Bolivarian Cabildos" propose the progress of the legislative elections.

"We are going to the legislative elections, I agree that the legislative power will be re-legitimized", insured in a mbadive act of Chavez in Caracas.

READ ALSO: The European Parliament has recognized Guaidó as "legitimate president"

In addition, Maduro announced the opening of an inscription allowing any citizen to enlist as a militia and to officially join the army.

"I call on militias and militias who have it available, especially young people who register and join the ranks of active soldiers of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces (BNAF)", he explained.

The announcements of Maduro took place at a rally on Avenida Bolivar called to mark the 20th anniversary of the first inauguration of the Hugo Chavez as president of Venezuela.

We are celebrating 20 years of hard work, struggles, progress and important achievements, despite imperial difficulties and plots. The Bolivarian Revolution is a city that has decided to be free to claim, in the hands of our commander. Chávez Congratulations to all!

– Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
February 2, 2019

This Saturday was also marked by a large anti-Chavez demonstration in Caracas in the presence of the proclaimed interim president of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó.


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