Maduro refuses to run the elections and says Trump ordered him to kill him


The Bolivarian president said that he was ready to call the legislative Source: Reuters

CARACAS.- At the time of a new opposition, the march to demand the end of
Chavez government before the
social, political and economic crisis that lives



Nicolás Maduro

He was open to the advancement of the
legislative elections although banned the possibility of presidential call.

In an interview with the Russian news agency RIA Novosti, the Bolivarian also said he was open to maintaining dialogue with the
opposition and to "discuss personally with

Donald Trump

"" I am ready to go to the negotiating table with the opposition, to speak, in the interest of


for peace and the future, "he said.

However, he said he believed that the US president intended to end his life. "Without a doubt, Donald Trump gave the order to kill me and asked the Colombian government and the Colombian mafia to kill me," he said.

The Venezuelan president rejected the opposition 's request to hold presidential elections because they "took place less than a year ago," despite charges of fraud and fraud. the response of the international community, which is ignoring its second mandate. "I got 68% of the votes … If the imperialists want a new election, wait until 2025," he said.

On the legislative side, Maduro said "it would be nice to organize them before". "It would be a good form of political discussion, a good solution by the popular vote."

In the same speech, President Chavez expressed his "gratitude" to the Russian President

Vladimir Poutine

and noted that "every month" Venezuela received Russian weapons, "the most modern in the world".

The opponent Juan Guaidó
The opponent Juan Guaidó Source: Reuters – Credit: Carlos García Rawlins

Meanwhile, the Leader of the Opposition,

Juan Guaidó,

The "in charge" president of Venezuela is seeking to increase pressure on the president by strikes across the country so that the government prohibits him from leaving and freezes the accounts in the midst of an investigation for anti-government activities .

The man who challenged Maduro urged Venezuelans to leave home and work two hours after noon, the first mbadive mobilization since the legitimate leader of the nation proclaimed himself a week ago. many events. "The regime is in its final phase," said Guaidó.

The latest political movements in Venezuela have led Guaidó to support more than twenty countries, including the United States and several major Latin American countries. The Trump government has also imposed new sanctions on the oil nation in the face of the severe economic crisis, which is causing shortages in supermarkets and inflation already exceeding one million.

Break at the Supreme Court

After Guaidó's appeal to the protection of the people, two members of the Supreme Court of Justice separated from Maduro and objected to the decision taken against the President of the National Assembly and have been proclaimed acting president.

According to what was published by the newspaper
El Universal, "Judge Marisela Godoy rejected the decision and withdrew from the courtroom, arguing that the presentation had not been debated and that the magistrate Danilo Mojica kept his vote , considering that provisions of the TSJ Act had been violated. "

For those who are now at the TSJ headquarters: the scheme is in its final stages, it is unstoppable and you do not have to sacrifice yourself with the usurper and his gang! Think about yourself, your career, the future of your children and grandchildren who are also ours. The story will be recognized & – Juan Guaidó (@jguaido)
January 29, 2019

Yesterday, through social networks, the opposition leader asked the judges to leave Chavez, as he had done a few days earlier with the armed forces, to whom he had asked to defend the Venezuelans. . "For those who are now at the headquarters of the TSJ: the scheme is in its final phase.It is unstoppable and you do not have to sacrifice yourself with the usurper and his gang! you, your career, the future of your children and grandchildren They are also ours, the history will recognize them, "wrote the opponent.

Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Justice banned Guaidó from leaving the country after the Attorney General, Tarek William Saab, announced the opening of an investigation against him.

So far, the Court has not deprived it of its legislative immunity, although the new investigation may indicate that the Maduro government is taking steps to take a more punitive approach.

Venezuelans protest in Argentina
Venezuelans protest in Argentina Source: AFP – Credit: Ronaldo Schemidt

AFP and AP agencies


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