Maduro relieved for the big power outage in Venezuela


blackout of caracas

Blackout in Caracas - Credit: @sincepto

Blackout in Caracas – Credit: @sincepto

Chavismo attribute the blackout to a cyber sabotage while antichavistas speak of the lack of maintenance of the infrastructure. Meanwhile, the Minister of Communication, Jorge Rodríguez, announced the suspension of the courses and the working day of this Monday.

The outage affects several regions of Caracas as well as 22 of the 23 states and caused lack of fuel as well as significant material damage, particularly with regard to Preservation of food and medicines.

Same as Saturday the service was restored in the early hours of this Sunday in several neighborhoods of Caracas and provincesbut in most cut again before noon.

According to the Coalition of Organizations for the Right to Health and Life (Codevida), the blackout has caused the death of at least 18 patients.


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