Maduro: "The Armed Forces Commit to Sovereignty" – Telam


Maduro warns that armed forces are ready to fight "a group of traitors"

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro reiterated that the Bolivarian Armed Forces were ready to defend the country against "a handful of traitors" who acted in accordance with the will of the United States.

"Our Bolivarian national armed forces are deeply committed to the protection of the people, to the defense of national sovereignty and to the Constitution, it is an institution of morality and enlightenment," Maduro wrote on his Twitter account.

A handful of traitors who are selling to the interests of the United States will not tarnish the homeland's military honor. Our #FANB is deeply committed to protecting the people, defending national sovereignty and the Constitution; it's an institution of morality and enlightenment.

Nicols Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) May 4, 2019

He added that "a handful of traitors sold to the interests of the United States will not tarnish the military honor of the homeland".

Maduro, who has the greatest support for military power over the Chavez uprising, praised the armed forces at a time when his opponents today called on him to go to the barracks to ask for help. help in their fight for change the government.


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